German Prop Builders listen up!


Well-Known Member
Hi Folks
Any Prop Builders here from Germany????
I want to place a Prop Builders Dinner in Hamburg/Germay
Just like the Star Wars Dinner we know from all over the world. The idea is to find people with special skills. Resin, Modeling, Fiberglas building, Iron works , electronic, graphics...something like this. We think this will be a good chance to build good new props.

If somebody like to join...just tell me! and we will share our skills

Don´t have "special" skills, BUT I REALLY like the idea of a prop-dinner in Germany :D (even if Hamburg is quite a distance from Cologne ;))

If there would be an event like a SW-Con or something like that, it would be good idea, but "only" for a party would be really hard for the most because HH is not even near the middle of germany... ;-)

But the idea is not to bad... ;-)

I have no skills by the way... :lol
Don`t have special skills and have the same "distance" problem as the others.
but I like the idea too :cool

greetings from Marburg / Hessen

stefan jones
Hi Kai,

from time to time I'll be at the FantasticDinner in Hamburg-Stellingen. I know at least 3 prop builders in or around Hamburg. Most of them are building props from Star Trek.

Since nearly 15 years I'm building PADDs, LCARS keypads, isolinear optical chips, various paper props and much more.

Here are some links:

Maybe we've met each other before on a ConCourse, Meridian or HanseTrek, I'm the guy with the VISOR.

So long and keep on trekking

Hi that you interested in a Prop Dinner. My next idea is a kind of Prop voice chat via Skype. This is a chance to talk to eachother and share ideas and Tips. What do you think about....english speaking people are also welcome. I´m a member of the German Garrison 501st Legion and we had some really good prop Builder there. But I don´t just think about Star Wars. All kind of Props are welcomed.

Please let me know and support my idea!

Thanks Kai

Here are my Props and costumes :)
Hi everybody,

The idea is to make a Prop builder dinner in Northern Germany, and Hamburg is the biggest city there, not to mention it´s almost in the middle.
Naturelly is everybody welcome!!! Prop builder skills are not necessary, but will us help a lot.
We try to learn from each other something new... or from someone with new ideas or methods that we aren´t familiar yet. As complemmentary knowledge from what we know as today.
Just get in touch with Kai or with me, my mail is
it´ll be just great to have a feedback.

That´s a really good idea. I love it!
Unfortunately it´s a bit too far for me. Since I´m living near Stuttgart.

warm regards to Hamburg!!!! Jörg