FX brow trim?


New Member
What is it and where can I buy it? I have a chunk taken out of mine that I'd like to remedy before tonight.
Hardware store.

Look for "Marine Weather-strippping"
It is unlike most other weather stripping as it has a thin ruberized layer on top.

It is a little thicker than the stuff that comes with FX, but still looks good and will peel right off
if you need to replace it later.
I've been searching for some accurate trim myself. I can find anyone in the US that provides it. I've usually seen just a standard rubber coated foam (rectangular in shape) used. An accurate profile looks to be tapered or maybe an edge wrap trim. Can anyone help?
if you need it today, check out Harbor Freight & some 99 cent stores
look for Oil filter strap wrenches
I had the adhesive melt off of mine up here in the desert
I replaced it with the rubber strap from the orange one.
same size & thickness as the original, just rubber.
<div class='quotetop'>(Darth_Nickel @ Nov 18 2006, 12:43 PM) [snapback]1360658[/snapback]</div>
Just another option, if you want the FX brow trim.

Check out http://www.triktoys.com/

I can't say enough good things about Eric... 100% a stand up guy. Quick to ship, and 100% quality.

Unfortunately, his "Trooper Voice Amp" turned out to be not quite what the Ebay ad for it leads you to think it is. The Static Burst sound effect that's supposed to be made by the sound module that plugs into the included Amplifier "at the user's control" tuns out to mean when you blow into the microphone. Something anyone can do themselves without the sound module. Very misleading, in my opinion. I was left feeling I had spent too much money on an amp (which did work), when I could have saved up for a real sound board.

Just my 2 cents.
Did you let Eric know you were not happy? I wonder if he would have let you return it.

I thought I read that his stratic burst was "user made" Just like you explained. That may have been updated after your feedback.

He's a great guy, I would be shocked if he was not willing to work with you.
I thought about returning it, but after my partner's cat nibbled on the foam parts, I figured returning it was a moot point. I wasn't unhappy with the supplied Amp, but I thought he should have been more up front about how the "static burst" on the "voice module" worked so people would know what they're really getting.
Actually, all the TrikToys amp consists of is a small amplifier from Radio Shack that costs under $20, two 20mm model train speakers, and a powered headset mic.

I made my own, and if you guys want I can take pictures and dig up the parts numbers to help you build your own, but it's not super loud and you have to change the watch battery in the mic after almost every troop.

But I will say that his mic tips are pretty nice.