Futurama diorama (3D modeling update 10-13)


New Member
Hi there ;)

I'm actually collecting Futurama figures by Toynami, and while I'm just starting this collection (only have Fry and Bender for now, Calculon is shipping and soon at home), I'd like to present them in a nice little diorama.
My first idea is the main hangar of the Planet Express building, viewed from the workshop (a point of view often seen in the show).

I have no skills in modeling, and - fortunately for you - I'm not asking for a full online learning here. I know that it's hard work and can't be learned in 5 minutes.
But the good thing with Futurama is that the graphic style is pretty simple, very geometric, and there's no need for heavy weathering.

So, I'd like to create some furnitures and accessories from the Planet Express workshop, with maybe a simple printed picture for the background of the diorama, showing the hangar with the ship.

I don't know yet how to do that, but I'd like your help on this: what can be done from 3D CGI models? I know that 3D printers exist, but I heard they were expensive, and mainly made for industrial prototypes.
I've seen some threads here where some models were "machinized" (not sure the spelling is correct) from 3D models.

How does it work? And is it expensive?
Have you any advice on any other way to do it if it's not the good one?

And any ideas concerning the Futurama diorama is also welcomed.
Thanks ;)
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Re: Futurama diorama - research

You should grab the Xbox game so you can virtually explore the whole building for ideas.
Re: Futurama diorama - research

You should grab the Xbox game so you can virtually explore the whole building for ideas.

Already thought of that as I have it on PS2, but thanks ;)
I don't know how accurate it is, but it sure feels like exploring the Planet Express building. :)
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Re: Futurama diorama - research

I can't wait to see this. How are the Toynami figures? They're kinda hit and miss on their lines.
Re: Futurama diorama - research

While I really like papercraft (I've recently built the excellent Pulse Rilfe by Jan Rükr), I'd like to make something more "realistic", or at least that matches the figures.
But all those papercrafts are cool, and can surely be heplful to make my 3D models.

Shapeways looks very cool, thanks Epileptic ;)

So, I think I'll work on that diorama by doing 3D models, using a software that I know well, SketchUp. It's not that complete as 3DS for example, but it's simple to use, and great to create objets of simple shape. And I've even seen that a 3D printer export plug-in exists, the results looks cool btw!

I don't have much free time, but as soon as I can, I'll do some research, make some sketches, and go for hard work on 3D models.
Hope that I can update this soon, guys! ;)

EDIT concerning Toynami figures

For now, I'll concentrate on collecting the main gang members, in regular appearance.

- Here are the figures I have for now: Fry and Bender. Note that the figures come with very cool accessories, nice additions for a diorama!

- Figures shipping (and hopefully soon at home!): Farnsworth (with Nibbler), Hermes, Amy and Calculon (not part of the main gang, but well^^).

- Figures missing
Leela: seems findable. Not in France as far as I've seen, but welll, that will do it.
Zoidberg: problem here. Looks completely sold out everywhere, and the only ones I'v seen are on eBay at craaaaazy prices... If anyone want to sell this guy at a reasonable price, it would be great.
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Re: Futurama diorama - research

Good news everyone! First progress pic.

Nothing to be excited, but it's just a first quick sketch of Planet Express lab, using the Futurama game as the reference. It has been done really really quickly, the main goal for me being to familiarize myself with the set and the different objects and accessories.

Next step will be to compare all this with the actual set in the show.
By the way, if you have, or can make, good screens of Planet Express lab, it would be a great help.
Good news everyone!

Here's the first pic of the 3D modeling process.
Not much to see yet, as it took me a long time to take helpful screenshots from several episodes (mainly from "The Farnsworth Parabox"), but I hope you'll enjoy...

Any comment/advice is welcome! ;)
Re: Futurama diorama (1st progress pic 10-08)

looking good so far! for something that simple, wouldn't it be better to use styrene sheeting instead of the expensive 3D printing process? Seeing as how you got it modeled already, you could easily print out the different parts, transfer to the styrene, cut them all out, and glue together and paint!

Looking forward to more progress!
Thanks ;)

Well, the problem is I'm a total newbie concerning "real" modeling, and I'm not familiar with styrene sheeting process.

But for now, I'm not yet decided on what technique I could use, I'll continue to do some 3D modeling, and when I'll have enough material, I'll see what I can do with them.

Any advice on techniques, and explanations about them, are still welcome. ;)