From Russia With Love and Dr. No Screen Grabs wanted for paper prop project


Well-Known Member
Hi Folks.
I am looking for the following frames of "Dr. No" and "From Russia with love" grabbed from the Blu-Ray. I will try to replicate these paper props and will make them available to the fans. I am pretty good with Photo Shop... But to get the best result I need the best raw material available. Could somebody who owns the Blu-Ray please send me a snap of the following frames? My email is redbeard(at)

I think this could really turn out great...

Here is the best I could find.

I also tried my hand at the Photoshopping itself, but you might be able to do a better job.. I can email or post here the "Dr. No" screenshot if I find it. Hope these are useful!

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Oh, my bad. I forgot to put lines under the address. I added those and re-uploaded the images! Glad you like it!

Hey Red, here is that other screenshot. I tried to flatten and add in the missing parts. That was tough! Not sure how to approach it, but I might try again another time.
