For Sony Playstation fans (PS3 commercial)

Sadly I only knew a few. I love they get the actor to do the voice of Solid Snake and i think it might have been him (he looks like young snake in real life) yet he won't get the part in the movie. It sure beats any commercials Xbox has that's for sure.
I don't think any of the voice actors played the characters in this commercial. I know they got the voice actor from Infamous 2 though and I think they even got the guy they modeled him after on there. Also I could be wrong but I think Nolan North was in there as Nathan Drake.

Wicked commercial though.
It sure sounded like David Hayter as snake. I always thought he was just a voice actor but he's a real actor and cowrote the scripts for the first 2 xmen movies. Still a great commercial. I had to chuckle that Lightning from Final Fantasy 13 was in it.
Sorry, I meant the could of voiced them but not physically acted the part haha.

He also starred in Guyver 2: Dark Hero. Man, I haven't watched that movie in like 10+ years.
I never saw that one. Just makes my blood boil Konami won't let him write the metal gear movie or be in it yet he's who the fans are fighting to get in the movie. At least they got actors who look the parts instead of really bad cosplayers. Another 50.00 off and i'll get a ps3.
It always ends up like that. They based the look and mannerisms of Nathan Drake from Uncharted on Nathan Fillion but when it came time to cast for the film, they initially casted Mark Wahlberg before the preject collapsed. A lot of fans are hoping they finally get Fillion for the movie.
It always ends up like that. They based the look and mannerisms of Nathan Drake from Uncharted on Nathan Fillion but when it came time to cast for the film, they initially casted Mark Wahlberg before the preject collapsed. A lot of fans are hoping they finally get Fillion for the movie.

I can't take Wahlberg seriously after Marky Mark and the Funky Bunch back in the 90s :lol. I'm still mad that they killed Solid Snake off in the games for the sissy Raiden to take over.
I thought they were just gonna let him die of old age after the game was over. I know he didn't have long left.
I always want to write a fanfic/fan comic (can't draw so no point) to fill it in. I probably should. Sadly that's the only game on the PS3 I want to play.
The uncharted guy looks a little CGI even though its a real person. I see a couple Helgast in the background, Dead Space Clarke costume is a little soft as well as the Battle Zone guy. Over all great commercial, I finally saw it in Adult Swim.
The uncharted guy looks a little CGI even though its a real person. I see a couple Helgast in the background, Dead Space Clarke costume is a little soft as well as the Battle Zone guy. Over all great commercial, I finally saw it in Adult Swim.

I'd say that several of them had CGI work in there.. even if it was minimal.
Kratos DEFINITELY did.
Snake looked amazing.. well, the suit anyway. the Stache and hair were rubbish.

Was it just me or was the main, skinny guy in the WWII gear meant to be the guy from Medal of Honor: Frontline?
The voice was similar. His story too.
Ugh, can we please get some live action games already? The early 90s saw a few amazing ones. If there was a time we could do it and do it well, now is the time.
I don't think that Isaac suit was one of the ones they sent out to show around, it was probably thrown together really fast. I had to chuckle when Solid snake leans against the wall and his camo shifts to blend in. Still it's a good commercial even though I'm not sure why they have a Final fantasy 13 character there.
Hey Gang,

The trailer was shot by our advertising agency (Deutsch) in the Czech Republic and it turned out pretty darn good. Our Marketing Dept. borrowed some of the costumes and props my team (which is made up of some of the folks that frequent this board) made, including the Helghast and ISA costumes, and the weapons seen as the soldiers enter the bar.

To answer one of your questions, the soldiers are supposed to be from Resistance 3 (you can tell by the chevron on his shoulder). Unfortunately, I'm not sure why they didn't use our Infamous 2 amp prop, as our's was far more accurate. Also, we made Cole and Zeke costumes for a live action teaser that hasn't been released yet, but the costumes weren't done in time for the "Michael" trailer. Here's a pic of our actor in costume:
