FineMolds AT-AT

Now theres a thought, hadnt figured on that bein a possibility, very do-able mind, but also a very large kit to do on the back of the falcon, would sell like hot cakes at an igloo expo i reckon, but for now ill carry on workin out wat else to cut of my WOTC lol, TESB has all my favorite craft anyways.
Originally posted by ralphee@Dec 23 2005, 12:47 PM
Now theres a thought, hadnt figured on that bein a possibility, very do-able mind, but also a very large kit to do on the back of the falcon, would sell like hot cakes at an igloo expo i reckon, but for now ill carry on workin out wat else to cut of my WOTC lol, TESB has all my favorite craft anyways.

TESB got a link to them?
My understanding is that the AT-AT, as well as the MF, are favorites in the Japanese Markets. So I wouldn't be surprised to see a 1/72nd scale AT-AT.

Several years ago I knew someone who had contacts in Japan. The buzz a few years ago was an AT-AT & Shuttle Tyderium in 1/72 nd scale; a snow speeder in 1/24th. He also heard rumors that Bandai would do the Blockade runner to compliment their small scale Star Trek capital ship series.

Personally, I wouldn't be surprised to see a 1/72 nd scale ESB Slave 1 as a "filler " piece, since FM already has most of it fabricated with the AOTC kit.


"Vinyl Guy"
Sorry to bring this thread back up, but I guess I missed it when it was first posted.

I would definitely LOVE to see an AT-AT in 1:72 scale done by Fine Molds. So far they have been absolutely fantastic with the releases they've made.

Any new word on upcoming Star Wars kits?

These are a few other kits I would be interested in seeing from Fine Molds in the future (I'm sure I'm forgetting some):
Y-Wing Fighter
B-Wing Fighter
Imperial Shuttle (Tydyrium)
Darth Vader's TIE Fighter

Now I just have to get enough money scraped together to get both these kits:
X-Wing Fighter
Millennium Falcon