Find popup/retractable hinges/parts Iron Man?

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Well-Known Member
Anyone know where to find metal robotic or electronic systems to open flaps pop up weapons rotate barrels for bb's anmd or retract armour panels. Ex: forearm pops out with rockets then can retract turn etc.thanks!
I have several ideas for doing some of that... part of my goal for the suit I am working on is to have quite a bit of animation/animatronics involved. It all depends how far you want to go.

As a basic starting point, radio control (RC) servos can do a LOT. There are circuits out there that can:

1) Flip a servo from point A to point B at the flick of a switch.
2) Move a servo proportionatley depending on how far you turn a knob.
3) Record a series of movements for multiple servos over a span of time, then "Play them back".

All of that is without using an actual radio control system! (So you don't have to have someone else running the suit.)

You can hack servos to run freely, so instead of moving a lever 180 degrees or so, it just spins in whichever direction. You can use the levers directly to raise spring loaded panels and flaps. You can use pushrods and cables to make things move in a linear direction. The possibilities are pretty astounding.

this is a thread I started about the mechanics behind having the face flip up and out on the helmet.
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