Finally, my Alien Motion Tracker Build Thread - Finished pics, post 56


Master Member
Hi guys,
This is by way of an introductory post for my build thread of the motion tracker from Alien.

Just to be clear, we're talking about this:


And not this:


And definiteley not this:


Anyway, I've had a weird relationship with this prop since my first attempt at building one in around 2003. It's boxy, it's kinda ugly, and it ain't no USCM slick gear.

But there's something about it that fascinates me. Itlooks like what it is -something cobbled together on a dirty freighter by a crazy homicidal android.

Back then (2003) the only part that had been identified was the Panasonic Ranger TV made for the the main unit. Every other detail I got wrong.

Then in 2006, Gigatron, aka Fred, started this thread on the RPF:
And a bunch of new bits were found (more later)

Another few years, and Richie got to take photos of the original (I'm sure you've all seen 'em, if not:

Then I got one of Shawn's awesome Nostromo pistol and finally got inspired to face the formidable task of building another, far more accurate tracker.

Now the legendary Bob Burns tracker we've all seen on the DVD (originally Laser Disk) shoot, and in Richie's photos, is actually slightly different from the one's seen in the movie.

Obviously a few bits like the tube that runs from the hamster feeder (see later...) and some of the knobs and switches, have actually fallen off, but the BB TRacker has some sort of grill on the bottom right of the front panel, that is absent on both the movie tackers. I'm thinking this grill gor added some time affter production (like a certain Weaver knob??)

BB Tracker:

Movie Trackers:


The tracker seen most prominently in the movie is the one with the probe thing bottom right, with the top hole where the attenuator was exposed. The other tracker has both attenuator holes exposed.

The point of this nerdliness is to pont out that I will be replicating the version seen on screen as much as possible :-D

My Buddy Stephen 210 managed to get a cast of the one of the mysterious doodads, that cover the motion tracker, so I made my first step into replication by adding a few of those fellas onto my TV:



Okay, the parts. I'll try to make this not boring, but it probably will be...

The Panasonic Ranger 505 portable TV. Can be had relativeley easily on Ebay. I think this was badged slightly differently in Europe, maybe someone can confirm....

The radar dish - This is a blck plastic 7" gully cover, made by a company in the UK called Stadium. They can be quite tricky to get a hold of, the 6" ones are much more common. Stadium still exist, but are extremeley unhelpful when it comes to getting hold of their products. Ho hum.



The metal tube connected reminds me of a hamster's water bottle feeder...

The large knob (ahem...) - it's a 45mm diameter Vernier dial. They come up on Ebay occasionally.



Slider Switches - these are pretty spot on: OKW Slide Knobs | Slide Control Knobs



The key - Strictly speaking, this is a case of close enough. It's definateley from a 1970's Vauxhall car, the exact one - don't know. I picked mine up off ebay.

Richie's pic of the original:




Vents - I've been searching for these parts for years, then a couple of weeks ago, while searching Ebay for something else, I struck very lucky. They are actually vintage plastic speaker griils. I scored four, which is the amount needed for the tracker. The left hand edge is used on the back of the tracker.


Cut to size:


Richie's pic:


Close but no banana (yet)
Sensor - It looks like a metal CRT cover, probably from an old oscilloscope. I have one fairly similar, but the right piece is still out there


Ice Cube tray - Haven't found the right one yet! The screen used doesn't have the dimples that every plastic tray I've seen has - did they fill them?

I'll be modifying a six-row tray to look more like the screen-used.

Richie's pic:


Nutplates -Are those aircraft nutplates? Certainly looks like it, but I haven't found any that size. I've scratch-built, molded and cast my own plates in resin.


Screen unit - Stephen has some good evidence to suggest that this is from the viewfinder of an old video camera (probably pro) viewfinder. I'll be scratch-building

Richie's pic:


What the hell is that??
Richie's pics of the speedo-looking-type-thing




I dunno...some sort of aircraft instrument? Anyone?

More grills, more headaches


Some kind of....thing


Mystery disks


Are those phone leads? If so, I'm thinking they must be threaded over something?

What have I let myself in for? :roll:
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Re: Finally, my Alien Motion Tracker Build Thread!

Excellent. Good score on those grills!

Re: Finally, my Alien Motion Tracker Build Thread!

Man you are killing me. I put this thing up.. now I have to get it back down and mess with it. LOL

Great stuff my friend.

Re: Finally, my Alien Motion Tracker Build Thread!

And so to the build :cool

I should probably start by saying that I'm no metal working guy.

I started off trying to put together the radar dish assembly using metal flanged parts I bought of ebay with vague dimensions, and hoping that everything would come together on the day. It didn't.

After brief reconsideration, I decided to go with what I know - plastic sheet, Milliput for sculpting and cheap junk from local stores.

Basically, I cut a couple of disks from thick styrene sheet, lined out a plastic cd spindle case with Milliput and threw it all together with my resin cast nutplates.

Incidently, I made a single scratch build nutplate, made a mould of it, then used that to cast the 16 or so I need to go around the bottom flange - very time consuming.

I used a drill press to to make the holes in the top disk, so I'm left with a little 'kit' like this:


My protype nutplate surrounded by resin copies, up close and personal:


After a lot of trimming, sanding, glueing, priming and general pampering...



Not attached, but you get the idea :D


Re: Finally, my Alien Motion Tracker Build Thread!

Amazing start & awesome photos - best I've ever seen of this prop! I have the same fascination with it as you, but I slightly lag in obsession... :D

The vernier dial is actually a Beckman 10-turn potentiometer dial. Easily obtainable on eBay for around $5-$10 each.

Birdie, do you plan on sharing 1:1 flat patterns for the gulley cover, nut ring, a 1:1 scan of the ignition key, and maybe offer castings of the small parts, gulley cover, & speaker grill sections? I'd love to start working on my Ranger 505! :)

I think I'll try my luck at 3D-modeling or sculpting & master-patterning the viewfinder, Speedo Scope, CRT EMI shield, ice cube tray, and other doo-dads. By the way, did you ever identify the LED governor lights? If you don't mind sharing your best-guess eyeball length/width/depth/diameter dimensions of these parts for scale, that would surely help me get started!

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Re: Finally, my Alien Motion Tracker Build Thread!

Beautiful job so far. But I have to ask, how did you cut those speaker grills so cleanly?
Re: Finally, my Alien Motion Tracker Build Thread!

Part for part you're really nailing it down. Bob Burns should punch you in the arm really hard for your excellence. :lol
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Re: Finally, my Alien Motion Tracker Build Thread!

Exciting! I thought your first go at this was amazing, but the start of your second try is even better!

One question, where the heck is the key located on the screen used tracker, I can't find it anywhere on the photos!
Re: Finally, my Alien Motion Tracker Build Thread!

Birdie, do you plan on sharing 1:1 flat patterns for the gulley cover, nut ring, a 1:1 scan of the ignition key, and maybe offer castings of the small parts, gulley cover, & speaker grill sections? I'd love to start working on my Ranger 505! :)

I can probably help you out with the nut-plates, but I'm not planning to offer any other parts at the moment, the bits I have are mostly already on the tracker :)

I've helped out some other RPFers with spare bits and bobs, they may choose to make castings available, but I can't speak for them.

I'll certainly scan the key and put that up here for you.

I think I'll try my luck at 3D-modeling or sculpting & master-patterning the viewfinder, Speedo Scope, CRT EMI shield, ice cube tray, and other doo-dads. By the way, did you ever identify the LED governor lights? If you don't mind sharing your best-guess eyeball length/width/depth/diameter dimensions of these parts for scale, that would surely help me get started!

Unfortunateley the indicator lenses have eluded me :angry

I have a clear 2omm lens I found on Ebay from an old bus dashboard that I plan to use for the large light. The red and blue ones I'm using snap-in neons.

I have the electronics for the lights and readout already, waiting on a soundcard from Replica Props for sound effects.

Dimensions, I'll try and give you some info as I go along!
Re: Finally, my Alien Motion Tracker Build Thread!

Beautiful job so far. But I have to ask, how did you cut those speaker grills so cleanly?

Would you believe, with a junior hacksaw? :)

It's actually pretty easy. The grills are plastic, so cutting through the perforations on either side of the four-row section needed isn't a problem. Then just sand back the little stubby bits that are left over.
Re: Finally, my Alien Motion Tracker Build Thread!

The key is on the top, just behind the venier dial. Check the screen-still at the top of the page, you can see it sticking up quite clearly.
Re: Finally, my Alien Motion Tracker Build Thread!

Some updates:

More progress on the dish. Note hamster feeder :cool



Building the top section of the display - this was scratch built aside fom the little hinge loops, which were kitbashed.





Sensor next.
Re: Finally, my Alien Motion Tracker Build Thread!

The key is on the top, just behind the venier dial. Check the screen-still at the top of the page, you can see it sticking up quite clearly.

Aggh, staring me right in the face, thanks Birdie. Makes you wonder what the key might have been for, turning it on/off? That's too obvious. I can just imagine turning the key and the whole thing sputtering and kicking to life while emitting a thick cloud of smoke like an old semi. :lol
Re: Finally, my Alien Motion Tracker Build Thread!

Actually there is a little switch under the handle when it is held you would move with your finger to make the sound and light.
I think I have a picture somewhere from when we saw Bob's.
Re: Finally, my Alien Motion Tracker Build Thread!

Actually there is a little switch under the handle when it is held you would move with your finger to make the sound and light.
I think I have a picture somewhere from when we saw Bob's.

I'd love to see that pic!

I've been wondering where to hooy up the switch for my electronics, would be cool to get it accurate to the original :)
Re: Finally, my Alien Motion Tracker Build Thread!

It was a small microswitch. It simple poked up thru a hole in the top under the handle. I beleive you can see it in at least one of the pics posted.
You can see it as a small silver detail next to the screen that sits on top of the tracker.
Re: Finally, my Alien Motion Tracker Build Thread!

It was a small microswitch. It simple poked up thru a hole in the top under the handle. I beleive you can see it in at least one of the pics posted.
You can see it as a small silver detail next to the screen that sits on top of the tracker.

Gotcha. I had noticed that, thought it might have been where another light once was.
Re: Finally, my Alien Motion Tracker Build Thread!

Incredible build Birdie, really nice work!
Re: Finally, my Alien Motion Tracker Build Thread!

A few more progress shots...

Unhappy with the ice trays I have, I decided to completeleley scratch-build the damn thing.



Sensor in progress.
