Finally got one of my display cases set up..


Sr Member
Thought I would show off a partial part of my collection, but I am going to need about 3 more of these cases to be 100% done.. Got to add some lighting as well..



Excellent display case, love it.

How come you have four vader heads though? Not saying anything against, just curious. I think I'd only want one of most things. was duel pistols or something. :p
Excellent display case, love it.

How come you have four vader heads though? Not saying anything against, just curious. I think I'd only want one of most things. was duel pistols or something. :p

Because it is one each from the original trilogy plus the "concept" Vader helmet done by dseigner/illustrator Ralph McQuarrie.

So I have them in order according to movie (don't have my ROTS displayed yet)..

Higher shelf
L - McQuarrie "concept" Vader
R - ANH Vader

Lower shelf
L - ESB Vader
R - ROTJ Vader

All the helmets were different from each movie that is why I have more than one..;)
Ah brilliant. I love Star Wars but I'm not a hardcore fan, so to me it was the same. Awesome though!

The Master Chief and Iron Man helms...what a chief.