Final Fantasy Gunblade - Does anybody makes them?

Darth Clouds

Well-Known Member

I am helping my nephew to look for a 1:1 scale gunblade with accurate details. I hope some one in this community can provide me with some information or point me in the right direction. Any help is appreciated!:)

Thank you.
All the replicas you'll find online are really inaccurate... At the moment there isn't a decent replica on the market... If you can, you should build one yourself...
All the replicas you'll find online are really inaccurate... At the moment there isn't a decent replica on the market... If you can, you should build one yourself...

Wish we could, but artistic skills is something lacking in the family tree:cry

I wanted to build Squall's from FF VIII, but it would be sooooooooo expensive to do.

The FF VIII is exactly what my nephew is looking for.... and guess what, the same finding as Ramiel, can't find a detailed and accurate replica.
I'm quite sure you could commission someone on the boards here to do it for you, depending on what you're budget is for this.

I've seen some really nice homemade versions at conventions.

You can do a google or yahoo image search for Squall's gun and you'll see some fine examples.
Unfortunately the size and logistics of producing these items in full scale makes seeing 1:1 replicas highly unlikely. In most cases the costs of doing so would price them right out of the potential markets purchasing range.

The closest I think we'll ever see is the existing Master Arms series of which Squall's gunblade is already a part of:

Then again Corgi has the Square-Enix license (they are producing the stuff MR is releasing) and is already going to be producing a "1:1" Kingdom Key Keyblade. Take even that one with a grain of salt however since their 1:1 Master Sword replica is only 30" in length overall...

yeah, I was extremely disappointed to see that their 1:1 master sword was going to be an FX version like their lightsabers. I was really hoping to see a metal version as their premier Zelda product.

And god knows why they would choose to do a Kingdom hearts 1:1 keyblade... I dont know if they have the FF rights in their Square-Enix liscence, but you would think that they'd make something FF based, since there's a much larger following for those games... =(
The original decision to go with the Keyblade was to tie it to the Disney license. Don't look for them to expand out of that realm unless a full Final Fantasy license is revealed.
I'm quite sure you could commission someone on the boards here to do it for you, depending on what you're budget is for this.

I've seen some really nice homemade versions at conventions.

You can do a google or yahoo image search for Squall's gun and you'll see some fine examples.

Thanks i will try that route. But I wonder if there are enough board members to show interest for a run...:love

I don't think the Kingdom Hearts license is a bad idea. A pretty good one actually since it has a pretty broad appeal. And since the licensing is tied up with both Square-Enix and Disney they are fairly stringent about what gets released(okay the Tomy figures and keychains were pretty crappy).

That being said an affordable 1:1 keyblade will definitely sell. Goodness knows enough shoddy ones sell on ebay and through the numerous knock-off sword vendors.

It looks like Corgi will also be producing a line of the various keyblades in a scale which seems close to the Kingdom Key keyblades from Square-Enix's own Master Arms series. Quality wise I hope they are still early because what was shown at toyfair wasn't even as well done as the smaller keyblades which come with the Playarts Kingdom Hearts figures.

I don't think the FX stuff is necessarily bad. I think the FX Sting was pretty darn cool. It just needs to be done properly.... which is what is in doubt with the Mastersword at this point. It's so tiny.

Thanks i will try that route. But I wonder if there are enough board members to show interest for a run...:love


If you can find someone who is able to make a accurate 1:1 metal gunblade, please count me in.

I am also interested in FFVIIAC Cloud's Buster sword. Right now I can only find this in the market:

But it is made of wood and inaccurate. I really like to see a accurate metal version.
I've been wanting someone to make a accurate version of Squall's gunblade since I played the game. Keep me in the loop as well if you find anyone willing to make one thats affordable.
Someone on the swordforum made a really nice master sword for his kid a few years back... not 100% accurate, but REALLY fantastic. I think he also tried to sell it for about $1,500.

I've also seen a decent buster sword... it's a little small (51 1/4" long).

I'd love to see an accurate AC buster sword... but with all the parts in it (especially is it expanded), that's one that would probably be too expensive for the general public...

But back on the topic of the gunblade, I've been looking around, and yeah... no one with any that are even close to accurate (bootleg manufactured, custom, or cheap cosplay). so sad... I'd be first in line to pick an accurate version up.
Check the youtube vid on that same page. It doesn't look like it's ever half the size of the one from the movie.

The buster sword is just something that couldn't be done in all metal I think. It would just be too huge in both lenght and weight.

The gunblade is do-able though in my opinion. Heck if I had access to a machine shop where I could make whatever I pleased, I'd try it.
Why don't you see if the resident squirrel can take on this project for you. BlindSquirrel has made some fantastic stuff and I think if anyone could make it, he could. Worst case is he says no. Give him a PM.

I wouldn't mind having one of these myself. The problem is, if I were to make one of these, it would most likely be made out of resin. I don't think I could even attempt one in aluminum... Hummmmmm