Very sad. But it's not my first encounter with the Galileo.
Back in 1980 or so I placed an ad in Starlog soliciting a single dollar from Star Trek fans to buy the Galileo from the first guy who owned it. I collected $5000.
I made an appointment to see it. It looked like this.
Made him an offer. $5000 cash. I had even made arrangement to refurb it and put it on display at the San Diego Aerospace Museum. I knew the Director persoanlly.
No deal. Later he sold it for a reported $1800.
Fast forward to 2007. I am on the phone negotiating the sale of a Kirk Chair to a a woman in LA. After we come to terms, I mention.
"We'll you must be a big Trek fan, do you have any other stuf?f"
She says. "I used to own the original Galileo Shuttlecraft"
I said. "Did you buy it from Roger Heisman?"
SHE says, "I used to BE Roger Heisman."
My somewhat stunned reponse, "Oh, then we've met."
Very sad about the Galileo. Hopefully it, just got moved. Hard to believe in the days of Profiles and eBay, someone would be that stupid.