Fantastic Four First Steps Marvel Studios MCU

Loving the aesthetics. Suits look cool. Glad they look like the fantastic 4, and not a group of sophomore college kids. As someone who lost all interest in the MCU way back after Iron Man 3, I’m looking foreword to this.
There weren't 5 fingers on the Thunderbolts* poster, it was the way it was cropped. That's old news and been debunked, move on.
Are you really saying they didn’t use AI on that crowd poster? I can point out at least 10 things in that poster that are common AI markers. If people don’t call this stuff out they’ll keep doing it.


same womans face multiple right next to each other. Thats also not how you hold that type of camera. There are countless more.

As for the trailer itself, i liked it. Kind of felt like Ben's voice should be a bit lower after his transformation, didnt quite fit what i think of when i think the Thing.
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I can point out at least 10 things in that poster that are common AI markers.

please go ahead. circling things in Photoshop would be helpful. I consider myself reasonably good at spotting AI. All I've got is that the hand holding the big flag appears to be missing a finger, and that could be an real life optical illusion. Also that's not how you look through a rolleiflex camera, but that's also a very real human mistake.
please go ahead. circling things in Photoshop would be helpful. I consider myself reasonably good at spotting AI. All I've got is that the hand holding the big flag appears to be missing a finger, and that could be an real life optical illusion. Also that's not how you look through a rolleiflex camera, but that's also a very real human mistake.

Ok some of this may just be sloppy photoshop and a combination of AI background elements. Regardless its sloppy for a company with as much money as Disney. hands blending in weird ways, arms coming out of other peoples chests, duplicate faces, corners of glasses disappearing, velvet rope that isnt regularly sectioned, flags coming out of fingers/fists, and multiple hands with 4 fingers total.

Apart from those details, the whole thing just has that LOOK. There are 3 other posters in this series with varying tells as well.
Click to enlarge

Screenshot 2025-02-04 at 1.31.02 PM.png
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I think it looks.... FANTASTIC!

Okay, sorry, sorry. Yes, I think it looks amazing. I'm very much looking forward to this. Each of them looks great.

The Thing finally looks like he should, based on the comics.

Sue and Reed are convincing as a couple, and while we don't get much Johnny, he looks the part and I have more than enough faith in Joseph Quinn's acting chops to deliver in the role.
Wow, Thing actually looks like Jack Kirby's design (y) . His voice (n). Yeah, the cgi could use some polish too.

Casting is a little suspect. Everyone looks like they were the third or fourth choice to play their roles.
I like how this looks but, honestly, mid-century aesthetics always looks good (and also a slight nod to Coreman's suits is fun). I also really like how the Thing looks in this, it's like straight from Kirby's artwork, I really don't care that the voice is unchanged. Forgive the pun, but I always thought he'd sound a lot more gravelly.

I'm still not entirely convinced of the casting choices and I'm not holding my breath for anything about the story, but the visuals alone are enough to interest me. The Dr. Doom tease at the end will be first thing I see when it's leaked online.