False "new topic" notifications.


New Member
The new topic icons on the main page remain illuminated if I go to that page and use the 'mark all unread topics as read' link. If I go to that page again and see that there are indeed no new topics, then return to the main page, it is darkened as it should be.

Not a big deal, but I thought I'd report it.

I've also tried using the 'mark all unread topics as read' link and doing shift/ctrl-reload to load from the site instead of from cache, just in case, but the problem persisted.
Were you the one offering Neo Coats from the Matrix? Whatever happened with that?

Not I. Yvaine, a friend of mine, was going to do it. Unfortunately, for some reason or the other, she decided not to and then took a long time in getting back to anyone, myself and her ex-boyfriend included. She still has a vest of mine that I had sent for measurements.

If you know anyone that is still being short-changed by her, let me know and I'll see if there's any way to get ahold of her again... but I haven't talked to her or anyone related for her for a year or so, if not more...

It's a bitter memory of a bad decision, and I'm still sorry that it went sour.
This problem is persisting... though differently. The "Mark all new topics as read" link is working properly now, though if I actually go and read topics, the forum icon on the main page still shows that I have unread topics until I go back to the forum and see that there are actually no unread topics.