Fallout NV Prop help!!!!!


Well-Known Member
So i finally figured out what i want to tackle next. I knew i wanted it to be from the fallout universe, so i got to thinking. And i was playing NV the other day and found the "Pulse gun". This thing is pretty, and it's rather old school. Almost Flash Gordon-esk. I'm in love with it, and need it on my shelf. It's one of 3 props i'm making from Fallout NV, but i need help with it. Here she is first off


So here's my questions....A), What would you use for the coils on the back? And B), what would you use for the dish on the front? As far as the vac tubes go, i'm gonna take the cheap way out and go with Halogen bulbs. The rest is easy, but those two components have me stumped. Any ideas out there?
I know it sounds weird but if I'm having a problem with a certain part that I can't or don't want to build at the moment I look at the clearance areas of places like Walmart or Lowes. You would be surprised with the random shapes of the things found there.

Having said that you could cut the bottom out of a small bowl and use some styrene strips from any hobby store for the supports on the front dish. Paint will go a long way in making it not look plastic when you are done. Just some suggestions, hope it helps!
That's not weird at all. I wander down those isles all the time, even if i'm not having issues. Sometimes I get projects started by going there and finding things i hadn't even thought of before. I hadn't thought about the bowl tho, thanks. I was even thinking of using the dish off a Millenium falcon, but have no idea where to find one.
Nah, a bowl will work fine for that. And to what coil are you referring? That series of pipes near the butt of the pistol?

I like this. Neat prop.
For the coils you could always get dowel rods and if you want it to look super real get cheap wire and wrap them with it and paint it the color you want and seal against rust. A bowel would work for the dish unless you can find a large scale Voyager space probe model. Another great old school gun is the targeting unit that goes with the orbital laser you can get.
Nah, a bowl will work fine for that. And to what coil are you referring? That series of pipes near the butt of the pistol?

I like this. Neat prop.

Yea. You can't see it real well in that pic. Those pipes look like 7 coils that are next to eachother, like you'd find inside a generator.

For the coils you could always get dowel rods and if you want it to look super real get cheap wire and wrap them with it and paint it the color you want and seal against rust. A bowel would work for the dish unless you can find a large scale Voyager space probe model. Another great old school gun is the targeting unit that goes with the orbital laser you can get.

I was thinking about wrapping dowels. That or springs painted copper, but painting metal's always been tricky for me, and wears off anyway. The more i think about it, the more i'm liking the bowl idea. I'll be heading to my dollar store this weekend. They have a good dish section. And as for the targeting gun for the orbital laser...are you refering to the C-finder that you get from the kid? The one that looks like an old tin toy gun? I've thought about it actually. Plus, my local Hobby Lobby has these wooden football shaped things that'd be perfect.
Holy ripoff Batman! That's wild. I mean I know they tend to get real life inspirations and such...but that's just blatent.
the dish on the front kinda looks like you could use the front of an old rusty flashlight. Now that it's coming into summer season maybe you can find some stuff at garage sales and auctions. I'm always amazed at the huge volume of boxes of junk and bit's and pieces you can buy at auctions for .25 at some of these old farm auctions!
Farm auctions are great for prop making. I used to go to one every saturday up in Indiana, but i'm in the middle of a "big" city now down in Alabama. No auctions around....or yard sales to speak of. But thanks for the idea. So far, i'm gonna go with the bowl idea, but still havn't made it to the dollar store, due to car issues. (G*d D!@m Technology! It's ruining our lives!)
I'd second the Flashlight idea for the front. For the coils in the back, the cheapest method (but time consuming) is to wrap a dowel in wire and paint it copper.

For the vaccum tubes, you can get those on e-bay remarkably cheap, especially that size.
Thanks for the advise. As for the tubes, i looked on ebay and couldn't find any that fit my description of cheap. But i know where to get halogens really cheap, and they have a good look to em, plus if i decide to wire it up, they'd look cool if they lit up when you pull the trigger.

Oooo!! That DOES look cool!

I almost tossed this gun when it did nothing against people. Then I tried it against a robot and WHOA!
I know, i did the exact same thing. First play thru i DID toss it. Sold it to the gun runners. But the second time i played thru, i'd accidentally equipped it oddly enough when i was at the crashed vertabird...and yea...wow.
Forgot to mention, try it against people in power armor too. If you end up destroying the brotherhood in Hidden Valley, this weapon kicks their A$$E$!
Forgot to mention, try it against people in power armor too. If you end up destroying the brotherhood in Hidden Valley, this weapon kicks their A$$E$!

I can't believe anyone tossed it! It's a power armor can opener!

I try to stick with SW, but seeing all this Fallout stuff is got me wavering.