Escape Pod Help......Please


Sr Member
Hi Guy's , Need to borrow your Brains for a second. I have the ss escape pod kit , Rolando's i believe. Anyway after almost going blind looking at SAG photo's i feel that something is not quite right with the top section ie the very top not the buckets. Now Here's the question. Do you know of a donor kit to form the top section that goes on top of the Buckets. I have heard of a kit that comes pretty close without the styrene and could be spot on with styrene applied.

Here's my kit.



sorry for the i phone pix. And the possible donor kit.





Dont forget it would be covered in styrene. Does anyone know if this is the correct donor kit? Ideas ? Thoughts? It looks Like a good candidate to the studio model in SAG.

There's clearly a taper to this part of the model, meaning it's a section of a cone, not a cylinder. A rough estimate from SAG using the Fruehauf tank end as a guide gave me a diametre of 107mm for the base of this section. That's pretty damn close to the retro module from the Revell 1/24th Gemini Capsule, which also has the correct taper. I can't spot any tells on the section that correspond to the kitpart, but the details on it are very fine and could have been easily lost to a light sanding, or been covered in styrene sheet for additional strength.
The kit part on the rolando is just under 190 mm. the UFO kit comes in at 170. If you add styrene to the skirt of the UFO that is 10mm longer it not only looks spot on but would fit onto the rolando kit.
The timeline fits. Aurora released the kit in 66 , 68 and 75 so this kit was available at the time of filming. As of 79 monogram took over.
Ro's pod top is a little undersized when you add the tanker part (not a lot of room for the styrene detail)... is the UFO part a little wider at the top?
It is a little wider , I don't have it in front of me at the mo but it looks more like the shot in SAG with the hatch removed and the mount in place. I'll try a mock up.
Needs to fit this tanker piece, AND the styrene shape. That top looks scratch-built to me.


Ro's kit is close (and was amazing considering that it was built with less reference than we have now, and was not made to be kitted), but the top needs to be wider:

well that's that! Unless of course the upper portion was something like a paper cup that fits to the outside of the kit part.....and then a hemisphere was glued inside the cup on the top of the original kit part. That apparent rolled edge on the original keeps me thinking paper paint cup etc......
well that's that! Unless of course the upper portion was something like a paper cup that fits to the outside of the kit part.....and then a hemisphere was glued inside the cup on the top of the original kit part. That apparent rolled edge on the original keeps me thinking paper paint cup etc......

Me too. Definitely found-object-looking.