ESB Vader helmet question


Well-Known Member
Has anyone ever succesfully mated a 20th century faceplate with a Don Post deluxe dome? Are there any good pics out there of these 2 helmets combined?


-Jason M
I don't think I've seen that combination but I think it'd look fine. In fact the 20th C looks good with anything :)
I tried - a number of years ago when we did a comparison of the 20th C against the CKing DP Deluxe.

At the time there was the view (which to some extent still stands) that the 20thC Vader face was the best around (in numbers) and that combining it with a better ANH style dome would produce a quality ANH helmet.

Anyway we tried it with the CKing DP to try and make a better ESB. The pic's a bit crap as the connection bridges were totally different



I have a CT 20th Century that I fitted with a modified DP deluxe dome cast. I got the dome from a member here. I believe the dome was made longer and made thicker on the edges.
Anyway the two go quite nice together.
Though I believe the 20th Century face and the DP deluxe dome are more ROTJ than ESB, due to the larger chin vent on the face mask and the lack of the Y crease remnant on the dome.
Here are some pics of mine.



Syborwolf - That looks really great

Extending the dome was a good idea as the DP dome is too short. Yours looks just right.

Mind If I add the pics to SWHelmets? - the one ive already got of the 20thC/DP isnt up to it



Awesome lid. Looking at the extended dome I can really see how short mine is (I have a Cking deluxe). I love that lid.