ESB Boba Fett


New Member
I have been lurking this board for about a year now and am finally making my first post. This is my ESB fett which I have been working on for the past 10 months or so on. The boots and shin tools have been purchased but havent arrived yet. The costume is mounted on a mannequin.






This is still a work in progress. I will update with finished photos.
Very cool:cool 10 months of work:eek Man, I hope to someday have one of these, but I don't know if I can make a ten month commitment to Boba just yet:lol
Fantastic Boba :love And the mannequin looks also great. What did you use as display mannequin and what helmet do you use if i may ask? Looks awesome:thumbsup
Fantastic Boba :love And the mannequin looks also great. What did you use as display mannequin and what helmet do you use if i may ask? Looks awesome:thumbsup

I bought a generic mannequin off ebay for $100.00 and chopped it up and fiberglassed it to be more of boba fetts proportions. I also repositioned the arms and attached those wooden hands that people use to sketch from.

Im not sure who the maker of the helmet is.