Engraving the Adama Lighter


New Member
Hello everyone I'm an engraver by profession and I've been contemplating engraving a Regens lighter for a bsg costume, it looks to me that the original used a ink decal or laser etch instead of actual engraving as there is no apparent depth of cut to the name. Most of the Regens lighters that i have found on ebay have either been textured or labeled as "chrome" which usually indicates a plating. If it is plated that may cause a bit of trouble when it comes to cutting on it. has anyone else attempted this or know anything about the Regens lighters? Here is a picture of the original.

There was a run a long time ago of Adama lighters. I wanna say around 10 were engraved. I bought 2 and gave one away as a b-day gift. Here's a pic of them that's still in my photobucket album.


I think it took whoever did the run a few tries to find an engraver that could get it done, mainly due to the custom font.
I had a local trophy shop do the engraving electronically on mine. I created the file for the type myself, at the engraver's request, and gave him a pdf file to use for the engraving. It took a lot of work to get the type font just the right height and length to match the original prop, but I am very pleased with how it turned out. I'd be happy to e-mail you all the files I have if you want them, just PM me with your e-mail address. Good luck.