Edward Kenway Costume - From Assassin's Creed 4: Black Flag


New Member
Well, let's dust this topic off and give it a shot. It has been a while since the last update on any Edward Kenway thread and even though the game isn't by far new any more I have been thinking about making Edward's costume for a good year now. I kept putting it off, school got in the way, but finally I have some time to do a big project so here it is!
I just wanted to start this thread right now as a foothold for myself to finally start and to get all the help I can get from the community. I am totally new to making these kinds of things (apart from making a pillow in arts and crafts) and it might take me a long time, but I want to do it right.
I have already been working on cataloging a lot of stuff (screenshots, reference material, sketches) I need and how the costume can fit together.

Before you guys start typing away (I hope :)), these are the two threads that I have followed and watched stopping halfway thru, sadly:

There is already a lot of info there, but still, all input from you guys is welcome. As I've said I'm totally new to this.
It is getting kinda late, so I will upload what I have tomorrow.

I hope you guys can help me out!

Well here are the screenshots I've been collecting:

Edward's Front, I'm basing the costume off of his unupgraded one mostly.
Kenway - Upper Body (front).pngKenway - Lower Body (front).png

Edward's backside. The most left one is from a later safe, for a shot with the hood on.
Kenway - Backside.png

Wnt back to the shipwreck memory to see what his cotton shirt and pants are like. His sleeves are rolled up though.
Kenway Shipwrecked - Shirt and pants.png

The boots, I need to get a better shot of these, without the rope thru them.
Kenway - Boots.png

A bit of the side, but mainly his vambrace and hidden blade. The left one is exactly the same I think, apart from the skull being the assassin's logo.
Kenway - Side and Blade.png

These are the screenshots I have right now. I will make more detailed ones once I start on that specific part, but these are pretty high res, so they should suffice for now.