Eddie Van Halen track from BTTF

Because girls actually used to dress and act like GIRLS back then. I see a lot of chicks now who are just as sloppy as dudes - or they act like dudes a little too much.

And I don't know if you know this but Van Halen used to make it clear they didn't want brown m&ms in their dressing room.

And the name of this song is Donut City - or something like that.
Even better is that The Wild Life starred both Lea Thompson and Eric Stoltz who was originally cast to play Marty McFly. How weird would that scene have been playing a song from the soundtrack from another movie you would have been in?
How weird - if you listen at 3:31 on the video you can hear Van Halen's song "Right Now" played in a different key. Dang, this was back in 84 and Right Now wasn't released for years after.
Because girls actually used to dress and act like GIRLS back then. I see a lot of chicks now who are just as sloppy as dudes - or they act like dudes a little too much.

Either that or they're fake to go with their fake facebook profiles and updates. I'd take a big haired 80's or 70's girl over anything today. In fact I think it's a horrible horrible shame that girls like the charlies angels wouldn't have a shot today :cry
How weird - if you listen at 3:31 on the video you can hear Van Halen's song "Right Now" played in a different key. Dang, this was back in 84 and Right Now wasn't released for years after.

Eddie reuses/reinvents a lot of licks. I haven't listened to this yet, but some of the stuff in their earliest demos made into later releases.
Eddie reuses/reinvents a lot of licks. I haven't listened to this yet, but some of the stuff in their earliest demos made into later releases.
Yeah, they had pretty much written everything up to Diver Down before they were signed by Warner.
Marty's Edward Van Halen/Darth Vader music track from BTTF

Here's the actual music track that's heard in the movie when Marty plays the tape for George.
Just thought I'd post it here in case anyone was still looking for it. It really is Van Halen and it
was originally recorded for the 1984 movie "The Wild Life". It was never release on any album.

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Flippin sweet my choppy wifi connection had the vid buffering and sounded just like how Marty pauses it haha!
Re: Marty's Edward Van Halen/Darth Vader music track from BTTF

Here's the actual music track that's heard in the movie when Marty plays the tape for George.
Just thought I'd post it here in case anyone was still looking for it. It really is Van Halen and it
was originally recorded for the 1984 movie "The Wild Life". It was never release on any album. ...

What's that noise at the beginning of the track? Sounds like a fart! :lol
Wow, I never guessed that was a real Van Halen track. I certainly knew it wasn't anything on any of their albums. I always figured it was just some studio musician stuff they just threw in there.