Dune Sea garrison's Mandalorian squad


Well-Known Member

The armor has all been dish hammered from sheets of aluminum to gain the curved shappe We had an SCA friend who builds medieval armor come by and give us some instruction on dishing and shaping metal and got us started on some essential tools to have. Then used what we learned to dish Mandalorian armor from sheets of 12-16 gage aluminum in order to fit the human form. More for the women then the men obviously.

All the soft parts are made from a heavy denim type material and was all tailor made for each of us to insure perfect fit. The smaller helmet was a re-sculpt from the rubies Jango while the others were obtained from multiple sources.

The gauntlets were an ad hoc quick vacumformed setup to resemble the Boba Fett style but are not accurate enough to be Boba or Jango gauntlets.

Everything that we made was made to be as durable as possible and as moveable as possible. Running, jumping, combat rolls, squatting, bending etc... All were requirements in the buildup.

I am working on plans for a motorized dishing hammer and hope to be able to make steel helmet domes and welded the other parts in to have fully steal helmets. Gauntlets will probably go through a similar revision before completion. After CIV there is plans to replace all aluminum and fiberglass with steel.

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WOAH :love

I love Mandalorians (I made my daughter one) but those are amazing. It must've taken a lot of time to beat that armour, fantastic job. I can't wait to see how a helmet comes out.

Well done :thumbsup


Hey Bill,
Very cool! I'm working on a custom mando myself. It's nice to see the variety, great inspiration to work up my own designs.

Don't you think steel buckets and armor are going to be really heavy? It's cool and all, but for trooping, I can't imagine. I used to help out a live steel combat group and after 5 minutes of combat the knights got pretty tired and everything s-l-o-w-e-d waaaay down. They had full armor though with terrible mobility unlike your Mando designs. Best of luck, can't wait to see the updated gear. Matt
We had an SCA friend who builds mid evil armor -Bill

I think you mean medieval...armour :)

Don't you think steel buckets and armor are going to be really heavy? It's cool and all, but for trooping, I can't imagine. I used to help out a live steel combat group and after 5 minutes of combat the knights got pretty tired and everything s-l-o-w-e-d waaaay down. They had full armor though with terrible mobility unlike your Mando designs. Best of luck, can't wait to see the updated gear. Matt

I guess those guys must have been pretty unfit and had badly made armour.
As a Medieval re-enactor over here in the UK, we have good mobility (able to do cartwheels and mount/dismount horses with ease) in our armour. And our major battles last over two hours with full on steel combat wearing somewhat thicker steel plate than most SCA armour. I even wore my full medieval armour to a con for 8 hours solid once without problems, So Steel Buckets and armour for a Mando costume shouldn't be a problem over longish periods of time.
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Don't you think steel buckets and armor are going to be really heavy? It's cool and all, but for trooping, I can't imagine.

my armor is a mix of thin steel and thick aluminum, and it's not really noticeable once it's all on.

i love that you actually did dished metal, and not just bend on 1 axis. very very cool :)
Leave it to you guys out west to pull this off. they'd NEVER allow that here in Calontir, the most backward kingdom in the known world.
I doubt I'll be allowed much, i built it for me. Hurt my self the first day in it anyway so it's shelved for now.