Duct tape mannequin


Master Member
A lot of you have probably seen the tutorial for the duct tape mannequin with a PVC skeleton. I don't have the link handy at the moment, but I need to make one of these in the next few days. I live in Southern CA and it gets pretty darn hot here, also the undersuit that will be on the mannequin is a skin tight (not constricting, just form fitting) suit and I'm worried that duct tape will melt and get gooey on a hot day and ruin the suit. Does anybody have any experience with that happening? If it does, what are my alternatives? Is packing tape any better?
not had personal experience with melting - but can imagine the complications!

why not "seal off" the whole mannequin in cling film? So even if it does melt - it stays away from ur undersuit?
I would say papermache tape, I don't know if that's exactly what it's called. But someone I know did that so he could have someone who lives elsewhere sew him something and it worked out wonderfully.
Huh, I've never heard of paper mache tape, but wrapping it in saran wrap could work. Wouldn't I need more tape to hold it on though?
Cool beans. I'll be getting to work on that just as soon as my girlfriend has time to come over and wrap me up. :confused
has anyone tried filling one of these w/ expanding foam? Is there any reason that wouldnt be just as good/better than stuffing it?
I'd think it could expand unevenly and not have a natural shape, which you could control if your stuffed it with newspaper.

Have you thought about getting a suit that is committed to the mannequin? One that never comes off? Then you wouldn't have to worry about it.

The costume that's going on the mannequin most of the year is my best work to date and has already taken me months, it's definitely going to get worn from time to time.

Expanding foam has been found to not work because it never cures inside the mannequin. No air gets in so you end up with a permanent slush mannequin.
To save a lot of effort, I put blank sweatshirt with some fleece pinned to the back for a "coat" and some scrub pants on my snowtrooper mannequin. The real coat and pants don't ever go on. It looks fine on a mannequin, and makes life a lot simpler when I want to wear it.

To save a lot of effort, I put blank sweatshirt with some fleece pinned to the back for a "coat" and some scrub pants on my snowtrooper mannequin. The real coat and pants don't ever go on. It looks fine on a mannequin, and makes life a lot simpler when I want to wear it.


That can actually solve the sticky tape problem too, Take some old rag clothes, stuff you plan to discard and put a protective cloth layer over your duct tape then the costume over that. Some old Sweat pants, socks, a long sleeve t-shirt and you are good to go.
I'm afraid I'll be using my only disposable shirt and pants for the inside of the duct tape wrap. I may be able to scrounge up some pants and a t-shirt, but I definitely don't have any long sleeve shirts handy. Might have to make a trip to goodwill.
This costume already uses practically a boat-load of fiberglass, I don't feel compelled to use any more of the stuff than I have to. Not to mention the mannequin will have to be flexible to get the suit on and off.