

New Member
Sorry if this is a dumb post, but after suiting up for the Predators premier I am very interested in doing DragonCon because I had such a good time. I know it's not too far away and I'm probaby too late to register or whatever, but can anyone give me further direction on this? And do we still have any preds suit up down there in Atlanta?
As fate would have it, the Marriott had a glich in their reservations and lost a bunch. As a result they have recently opened a block of rooms for the convention. Check the Dragon Con website for contact info.
Otherwise, you may be able to get a room at an off site hotel. But having done this before it's not the best way to go about trying to get to the site in a Pred suit and you'd be stuck in it for as long as you are there. Unless you have a friend staying on site to let you change.
They do have a membership fee. You really only need it to get into panels and the vendor area. And some of the hotel security could bust your balls to see your pass.
Good luck on pulling this off. 52 days out is not easy task since most people had their reservations since the day after last year's.
That's pretty much what I figured. Thanks for the heads up man.
On second thought, and this might also be a bad idea but just a thought..
Assuming I had a place to stay in Atlanta, what are the possibilities of only paying my fee/membership to participate and then driving to the location for each day?
You basically have to reserve a room for the following year a few days/week after this year's is over. Getting one now isn't impossible, if you go thru a person and not the hotels.

Live Journal Page for DragonCon rooms
DragonCon main page

Depending what you are into, there are tons of fan tracks to follow - workshops, panel discussions, anything you can imagine. Its a lot easier on you if you decide what you want to see and attend the most, and then plan each day around that. You will not see everything. You just can't. If you have already purchased tickets, you should recieve the booklet that they publish each year with a full schedule for all events. Read thru it and you can plan accordingly. I'm not sure, but I believe it comes a month or so before the actual Con. Check online to find out about all the private parties and events - some are open, some are invite only.

If you can stay anywhere near a MARTA station, the train runs to the ARTS CENTER stop, and then you can hop off, walk around the block, and your at the main/ticket/registration area.

I know the Hyatt used to be the party spot, but they have opened up overflow hotels and such, so the Hyatt may be a little quieter these days.
I live about 30 mins. north of the downtown area, let me know if you need any help getting around. I couldn't get a room in time, so I wont be staying down there but I'll prob be there Saturday for sure and maybe Sunday.

In regards to just paying the membership fees for a pass, and driving, you should be fine, but parking could get pricey down there, especially that weekend. If you are going to be there all weekend, just get the three day pass, its cheaper than individuals.
