I think he must have an unending supply of foam! I love the speed at which he makes things. I look forward to his updates. Working with foam like this is one of those projects I would love to tackle one day, but not until I become more motivated to do so.
Looking forward to progress!
You guys are amazing. I can't even *think* as fast as you build! :eek
that's why he is the don of propers here in the philippines.:thumbsup
:lolYou guys are amazing. I can't even *think* as fast as you build! :eek
What can't you guys do in foam! Does Don just eyeball the reference pics and just start cutting away like edward scissorhands or is there more mocking up or trail and error?
"With the blast shield down....how am I supposed to fight?"
<Sorry couldn't resist!>
What do you and Don do for work!!!? Meaning when do you find the time to make all these Wonderful things?
And is the source of the rubber at a discounted rate?
/\ Ha Ha! Don't add children to the mix because your hours will divert to 3:00AM! I speak from experience!
Sorry if I missed the previous post but I always like to see or hear where people find the time and inspiration!!!
Keep up the excellent work!
Look into that kid thing, NOUTHING I do can compare to the joy my kids bring me. I love costuming, the making of and showing off, but it is pale compared to the Joy of children. Though if you have them, there will be less time for other things, but 20 years from now what will you be more proud of? I can speak from experience, and I hope you both some day decide to add a little Don/Isabel...eather way, great costumes:lol Robert actually wants kids. Reason? so he can have his Ironkid. :lol
Sometimes, he jokes of taking his word of having kids because it would mean he would be doing 3 costumes everytime. nyahahaha!
it's okay. i'm glad people here appreciate our work. srsly, there are a lot of talented people here and we feel we are not worthy to be one of them. :eek so we're really thankful for the appreciation and if people get inspired its very heart warming.
Look into that kid thing, NOUTHING I do can compare to the joy my kids bring me. I love costuming, the making of and showing off, but it is pale compared to the Joy of children. Though if you have them, there will be less time for other things, but 20 years from now what will you be more proud of? I can speak from experience, and I hope you both some day decide to add a little Don/Isabel...eather way, great costumes
for a days work, that's amazing.