Doctor Who Episode 2 a different possibility the little girl (possible spoilers)


New Member
What if the little time lord girl at the end of last week's episode was River Song and the doctors and Amy's daughter? So who did River kill to be sent to jail, she killed the Doctor when she was a child.

Amy kept slipping, kept making loving comments about the doctor that turned out to be directed at Rory... what if those weren't slips?

What if the Silence made both the Doctor and Amy forget about their relationship, what if they had a few years together, had a child together being convinced that Rory was dead? That was the Doctor's and Amy's child in the pictures in the room of the abandoned orphanage.

The Doctor asked Amy, "why did you tell me you were pregnant and not Rory?"... Amy didn't know, she doesn't remember the room or the photos of her with her child and the little girl turns out to be a time lord or part time lord.

The child could turn out to be River Song, due to some complicated, very complicated, time travel issue where by instead of a strict progression from cause to affect and from a non-linear non-subjective view point, time was acting more like a big ball of wibbly-woobly-timey-whimy... stuff.... thus allowing River to be born after she meet her mom... who is Amy.

River Song knows the Doctor's real name, not because she married him (although the Silence could make her think that happened) but because she is his daughter.

Remember, the Doctor has asked River Song... "why are you in jail? Who did you kill? Perhaps she killed the Doctor in the astronaut suit when she was a child 200 years later. Remember, River keeps meeting the Doctor in the wrong order. (again, complicated wibbly-woobly-timey-whimy... stuff)
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A few problems:
  • The girl came out of the suit and regenerated in 1969, so she can't be in the suit in 2011
  • The Doctor and Amy haven't... y'know
  • Amy told the Doctor she was pregnant because the Silent told her to. Post-hypnotic suggestion, nothing to do with who the father is.
  • But the biggest one: If River is the Doctor's daughter then she's snogged her own father and that's too eeww. Don't say it's because neither knew, the writers would know it and I think that's a little squicky for a family show.
there can't be enough doctor who..

next item of topic.. isn't the pirates of the Caribbean episode a little too late and too much pandering to the fans?

for the record, I did make that doctor who forum i was talking about several months ago..

seems nobody cared to use it though..

on the flip side of that record I think one or two main threads would suffice here.