doc holliday's cup from tombstone. research thread.


Sr Member
i have been making a doc holliday costume and have yet to find a accurate metal cup that val kilmer uses in tombstone.

i have talked to russrep about a commission to make screen accurate doc holliday cups. but i cannot find any high resolution shots of the cup.

i have a turn of the century collapsable metal cup just like the one the real doc holliday carried. val's cup is based on this but does not collapse and is heavier narrower and taller than this cup.

i want to make a 3d file for the cup and get it cut out.

any help will be appreciated. i hope we can get a screen accurate cup and do a run for those who like westerns props, this would be a nice piece to add to thier collection. the original cup was stolen on the last day of shooting tombstone.

here is a pic of some of muy doc stuff with the cup i have.

There's someone here who did the Holiday costume (Kevin?) and it look spot on! Try doing a searh and see if you can scare up anything. It really is worth seeing. I think he either found the cup or found a very close substitute.
i saw his thread , none of pics work anymore and i sent him a pm and he has not answered. he goes by planojedi.
I know you see the cup when Doc faces off with Ringo. When else is it seen? I will go through my copy of the movie and take any caps I can for you.

BTW, LOVE seeing that setup! Who made your hat?
i know the scene where you first see doc when he murders ed bailey they do a close up of the cup at the begining of the scene then go to doc's face. also the secen where he is playing ike at poker and real drunk, there is a pic or 2 of the cup.

i bought the hat on ebay from a guy who bought it from who happend to have my size. they have a ton of movie hats.
Western Movie Hats - The Last Best West the hat is about about half way down the page. mine is 5x's beaver felt. very nice hat.
thanks, art!!! those should work great. love the pic of the bottom of the cup.

yeah, the handle does look thick doesn't it?
the one i have is like that one ,except i bent the handle and glued it down to be able to twirl the cup.
using art's screen caps, i cropped and auto adjusted the color so the cup could be seen better.






Good point. It would not be hard to make the handle out of pewter, or even the whole cup for that matter...just have to make sure it is a safe pewter for food consumption...
that would be awesome!! what program are you using?? i am just starting out on rhino and i am terrible at it at the moment.
Armondo...Nice of you to remember.
I haven't been on here at all over the holidays... Tom, your gear looks really nice. I used a collapsible cup like yours, but smeared JB weld around the inside to keep it from collapsing. I made a handle for it but it's not screen accurate... nobody has even noticed. I sent you PM. My hosting went away but I'll send pics to you if you will tell me your email.
