Do you mind seeing the same movie in theaters more than once?


Sr Member
Here's a question, I'd wanna hear what you like. Do u see a movie more than once in theaters?

I've seen Phantom Menace like 13 times (have at least 7 stubs still) Clones 3 times, Revenge of the Sith like 4 times, Both TF movies twice, ROTF in iMax the second time (waitin on DOTM now!)

These days I don't see them numerous times except for Thor, i finally seen it yesterday (first out of my friends!) and might see it again with them. Marvel is having my ticket twice for each movie they make this year.

What do u say?
I haven't since I worked in a theater (where I too saw TPM 20 times or something like that), other than AOTC/ROTS which I saw four times each, if I recall. I would like to, and I'd like to go to the theater more often in general, but it's just too expensive and I have to drive an hour to get there to boot. :(
I went to New York in 1999 to see TPM on my birthday, first experience was a total dud disappointement at one of those multiplexes (hey, no RPF way back then to guide me to the good theatres), but then we went to the Ziegfeld the next day, great experience. Then after being back in Germany the premiere was in August, and I saw TPM with friends, made an event out of it. I think I saw TPM five times in theater, counting the premieres of AOTC and ROTS where TPM was shown back to back with those movies.

Oh, and LOTR multiple times. star trek movies as well. Geek stuff over all

A good movie neeeeeeeds to be watched multiple times, especially if it´s heavy on the visuals. I would have liked to watch Tron:legacy for a second time, and Inception (was that in 3D? I can´t remember).

And if I have the chance and a movie is cheap, I´ll watch anything at a movie theater, regardless if it´s good or bad ;) I write that because I miss going to the movies so much :cry
I saw Star Wars 111 times in the theater in the 13 months it played in our big theater here.

I saw the new Star Trek movie 14 times, 11 in IMAX.

So yeah, I've cut back.

Of course, AbramsTrek is no Star Wars.
These days I don't go to the theater hardly ever. Most of the time my first viewing of a film is on DVD/streaming from Netflix.
...just saw Thor twice. Will see it again if my sister allows the nephew to see it.

I've seen plently of flicks multiple times in the theater. It's a great way to see a movie. Although, I will admit sometimes it's simply just an excuse to get out of the house and do something.
Not very often anymore. Saw Tron 3 times (with different groups of friends) but other than that, in the past decade, rarely. Esp with the time to home vid market being so short.
Not as much as I used to. I think the problem is 1. The higher cost and 2. movies are now a family thing so instead of paying for one ticket, I pay for four. Therefore a movie needs to be something worth seeing and that everyone is excited to see. Otherwise, I'd rather spend $1 at Redbox six months later.

The last movies I remember seeing multiple times was the LOTR Trilogy and some of the Pixar films.

My wife wants to go to see the LOTR extended edition in the theaters next month. I not hot on the idea because the blu-rays are coming soon after, and I'll want to watch it then.

I still have not decided what 3D Star Wars movies I am going to view. I don't really feel like I get a lot out of 3D. If there are some other changes to the movie (special effect, added scenes) that might get me into the theater. As it is right now, I may only see ANH and/or ESB.
I'm lucky to go to the theater to see a movie I'm interested in once these days... but if money weren't an object, I would definitely be seeing Thor again in theaters. I'm also pretty certain that I'll want to see Cap and GL multiple times as well, but with things being what they are... I'll be happy with once.
My local IMAX charged me $18.50 for a ticket and a large Coke to see THOR in 3D, which I didn't really enjoy as much as I hoped I would. So rarely will I see anything multiple times, even in non-IMAX theaters. But I always try to pick a high-end and newer theater, not the run-down 30 year old with a dim screen and crappy sound system.

The last movie I saw multiple times in the theater was THE MATRIX, and that was 1999 (jeez, was it really that long ago?). Even before that, I rarely ever saw a movie multiple times.

These days, I'll see it once and if I really loved it-- I'll buy the Blu-Ray. If I only "liked" it, I'll load it into my Netflix queue. Movie theaters are just to spendy these days.
If its a decent movie or I have a good reason too sure.

Last time I did it was Boondock Saints 2. Went one night afterwork on a roadtrip to the only theater playing it in our area, only 2 weeks later to have it announced it would open closer so went with some friends.

I'll see Xmen twice just because I know I'll see it either at a midnight showing or opening weekend and my G/F wants to see it and I won't see her until the 2 weeks after.
Ive seen Terminator 2 about 10 times in the theater, and Jurassic park about 15 (3 times opening day) but I really dont do that anymore unless different groups of friends want to see the movie
I watched Superman Returns 6 times, that's the highest number of times I've been to watch any film at the cinema, followed by Star Trek First Contact 3 times.
It depends on the movie. Usually the only reason I see a movie multiple times in theaters is because i'm seeing it with a different group of friends and even then, only if it was a movie I really enjoyed. I did end up seeing the Dark Knight 3 times with the same buddy though haha.
I rarely see movies more than once at the theater (a different story when I have a movie on dvd). I saw The Sixth Sense three times at the movies (which is a lot for me for any movie at the theater), and each time it was with different people. I like watching movies with others who haven't because I enjoy their enjoyment.

The reason I watch a movie multiple times at home versus at the theater is because, although I enjoy the big screen experience with the big view, I do NOT enjoy the public atmosphere where people kick the back of your seat (even though most theaters now have stadium seats), use their phones, talk, etc., and I don't like dealing with that. So, that inherently reduces the amount of times I'll watch a movie at the theater much less see the same one multiple times there.
Including Se Star Wars ANH 29, Empire 13, Jedi 5, TPM 3, CW 2 (charity and IMAX), RotS 4 (2 charities and 2 with sister and niece)

Logans Run 3
Swashbuckler 7
Alien-1 2
Alien-2 3
Blade Runner 2
Big Trouble in Little China 7
JP-1 3
PotC Curse of the Black Pearl 9

Probably lots of others I don't remember.
I should add, as a kid in 77, it was kind of a hard sell to want to see Star Wars again to parents.
You've already seen it! Why do you want to see it again?

Eventually kids won. :p
I lived across the street from the theater and it was only $1 and you could sit there all day without having to leave.