Sit on your hands as you read this, or you will put a hole in your monitor.
Don't get me started on Disney and their moneymaking shenanigans.
First they make sequels and spinoffs to their movies that have zero business being made.
Secondly, they go completely nuts over any IP issues, including C&Ds and threats of lawsuits over anything using Disney stuff without legal permission.
See, those two, I can understand. That's absolutely their prerogative and their legal right.
However, word has it that Disney may soon start looking to dictate where and when non-profit organizations such as the 501st may operate. So if they want to go visit sick children in the hospital or march in a parade, it has to be a Disney-sanctioned event.
Additionally, there's word that they may start cracking down on cosplayers and resellers across the board as well. This means that you would not see any Disney-owned franchise on the floors at cons anymore. No more Boba Fett. No more Slave Leia. No Buzz Lightyear. No Iron Man, Captain America, or Thor. No more lightsabers or original artwork. Nothing without the express permission of Disney, and we know that won't be cheap.
You can imagine what this will do to the cosplay community...
Basically, Disney is a cancerous growth in the industry.
Maybe i'm just a cock-eyed optimist (which i'm not) but I don't see them getting that extreme that they'd even try and ban people from dressing up at cons. It'd be the very definition of killing the goose that lays the golden eggs. Plus, i'm not sure they have any legal recourse to ban that. Now, banning people who aren't authorized dealers from selling stuff - yeah. But, i'm not sure even that's legal unless they're selling knockoffs. I don't think they can sell me a legit costume (i.e. like buying it from anovos) and then ban me from being able to sell it.
I just don't see them being that stupid. That'd be the easiest way to get everyone to turn on marvel, star wars, disney itself, etc.
For years I've been wondering where the epic battle between franchise fans & corporate IP owners would eventually come to a head.
Disney-vs-the-Star-Wars-community will probably be it. Those are about the two biggest fish in their respective ponds.
That would just be stupid,even for Disney.It would be the sure quickest way to ruin their new IP. The outcry would be unheard of and even non-costumers/prop people would have a sour taste in their mouth. I just don't see it happening.
I suppose a corporate suit (i.e. moron) could float the idea. But passing it into policy should result in mass firing's at the highest levels. It's just beyond stupid.
They just going to pull all their licenses? As an example, if you buy a LICENSED Anovos costume, I can't see where Disney has any right to tell you where and when you can or cannot wear it. Period. If they want to come down on people making unlicensed stuff, that's another issue, but that's not what I took from the above.
If they were to try and bend the 501st to do only what they want, when they want, etc,id imagne massive backfiring and loads of articles along the lines of 'Disney hate's it's fans' etc..
Usually when companies pull this type of utter bs, there's a financial motive for it. NO WAY this move gets them more money. In fact, it guarantees them less.
All of this is my exact point.
IF Disney goes down this route, they could stand to lose a LOT of revenue and, more importantly, respect.