I am working with someone right now to have some accurate replicas made of the Dick Tracy movie watch and wanted to see what information I could gather for making a replica.
Right now, our focus is on accuracy and quality which is why I wanted to bring this up here first instead of the JY.
I do need a little help from my fellow RPF members. I have a few screen caps of the watch that I sent along to the persons who will be making these, but was hoping to know if anyone knows if there are any archival photos of the screen-used watch floating around?
The only part of the movie that we see a good shot of the watch is a closeup on it when Tracy is talking in it. Other than that there is not much else.
Any help here would be appreciated.
Right now, our focus is on accuracy and quality which is why I wanted to bring this up here first instead of the JY.
I do need a little help from my fellow RPF members. I have a few screen caps of the watch that I sent along to the persons who will be making these, but was hoping to know if anyone knows if there are any archival photos of the screen-used watch floating around?
The only part of the movie that we see a good shot of the watch is a closeup on it when Tracy is talking in it. Other than that there is not much else.
Any help here would be appreciated.
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