Dexter - Season 5 **Spoilers**


Master Member
The wait was finally over last night!
Since the writers decided to pick things up moments after the climax of season 4, I knew this would be a tough episode to watch because you knew at some point, someone was going to have to tell Aster and Cody that their mother is dead....and when that scene came, I litterally got a tight feeling in my stomach! Very well done!
The flashback scenes showing Rita were great. I read that they had planned on bringing her back but not as a ghost, so flashback scenes were expected. I thought it was funny that Dexter was plotting a kill during his first date with Rita.
I think the best scene in the whole episode is Dexter's improptu kill at the gas station. We're so used to seeing Dexter in control of his emotions as well as complete control and preperation of the "Kill" room, so seeing him go completely nuts was exciting.
I was also excited to see a nice closeup of one of the boxes we sent the show to use:)
Looking forward to where this is going - next week it looks like Quinn is really stepping up his game looking into Dexter's life. Dexter may not be as lucky getting rid of him as he did Doakes.
I was thinking about watching this on HULU, but it says it is edited. Are there any places to get it unedited? I don't have Showtime.
PM sent!

MAn the new season is soooo cool! I really cant wait until next week. Hey frosty, did you ever find out what knife he uses? I saw your box btw, looked official!
Also eastbound and downs' new season was so funny. Mexican cock fighting? come on thats hilarious.
I thought about that for a second, but I think it really would've killed the tone they were trying to go for because it would've been to "wink and a grin" and such.

I thought it was an...ok episode. Excellent acting, of course, but I don't really like the direction the season suggests it'll be heading. The "Quinn tracks Dexter" thing is just a retread of the Doakes thing from Season 1 and 2, and frankly the whole "OMG! Will he get caught?!" thing is just getting tiresome. I know they need to create dramatic tension, but that particular storyline seems to be a crutch for the writers now.

This is especially noticeable when the OTHER through-line for the series -- namely Dexter's coming to grips with his emotions -- is done so well. I mean, let's face it. Dexter has a LOT of rage and pain in him, and that came bubbling out when he took out the guy in the gas station. It was also interesting that "Head Harry" (wonder if "Head Six" and "Head Baltar" will show up...) didn't say "You broke the CODE!!!" or anything.

Ultimately, I think that's a FAR more interesting storyline than the repeated trotting out of "Dexter might get CAUGHT this year!!" thing. The Doakes thing, the Jimmy Smitts thing, the "Bay Harbor Butcher" thing, it's all just the SAME thing, and it's getting tiresome. There's no real complexity to it, it's just along comes another dogged cop and then will he/won't he becomes the story. (Plus, will he/won't he with Dexter offing him.)

I'm on the fence about the "new serial killer" thing, though, with this decapitation cult or whatever. Not sure how well that'll fly. I'm hoping it doesn't last too long, and that the "bad guys" are less of a focus this year.

I still think the first season is the best balance of all factors. Subsequent seasons have been anywhere from "eh, ok" to generally good, but there's no comparing to the first season.

And I'm glad Rita's gone. GOD she was an annoying character towards the end. They're reminding me of what I liked about her before she became some boring suburban housewife caricature in the later seasons, though.
Wow, it's like you read my mind, Solo... :)

I'm looking forward to another season of Dexter, but I really hope they're going to take these already (too) familiar storylines in different directions and to different places, and not give us a rehash of what was done before, and better.
I'm told the knife is not a found item, but something custom for the show.

Are you talking about his kill knife?

I don't remember it looking like anything special, but if it's custom, I want to see it so I can add yet another thing to my list of things to replicate.

Also, I have to say, his slide box looked gorgeous! It just looked so well-crafted even under the harsh, critical eye of an HD camera!

I'm going to wait another week to let the show tie up some more of Season 4's loose ends before judging the season, but so far I do agree wit SOME of the sentiments already expressed.

The "I did it" line makes NO sense. Ok, he's shocked and confused and blames himself that it happened. He thinks it's his fault. BUT, he knows Trinity did it. Your brain wouldn't say "I did it", it'd say "It's my fault" or "I caused it" or "He did it."

Saying "I did it" is stupid.
Yeah, that was rather a ham-handed way of working in the "Oh noes! Teh copz suspekt Dexter! AGAINZ!" storyline.

You'd think that they'd built up enough dramatic tension what with:

- Dexter's emotional fallout from Rita's death.

- The strain Dexter will feel to take care of Rita's (and his) kids.

- His urge to kill.

- The appearance of another serial killer (maybe -- still not clear if this'll just be a one-or-two episode arc).

Storylines I'm bored with:

- WILL DEXTER GET CAUGHT?!!! A.k.a. [Doakes/Lumley/Quinn/Other cop character] is on to him!!

- Another serial killer. What, is Miami the serial killer capital of the world? Come on.

- Dexter's an emotionless freak! I'm hoping that this last episode is putting that one to rest. I don't mind if they show him struggling to feel his emotions and express them -- hell, they could even show him starting to get sloppy IN THE MOMENT (none of this "watch out! Body parts were discovered!" crap), but the whole "I don't know how to act. I'm such a robot who kills people" thing...didn't we do that already?

I'm hopeful that the show will still be good, but honestly, I'd say that recent seasons have been less interesting because they're kind of getting formulaic. I forgive that in the books (which are great, by the way), but the show doesn't adhere to the books, so they have a lot of freedom to do other things.

I mean, even if they do tread on old ground, I'll still enjoy it overall (if only for the top-notch acting), but it'll slip in my esteem, I suspect. But I'm really hoping that this doesn't just feel like "more of the same" or another sort of "frittered away" season.
The producers have already stated that this season will not focus on one "big baddy" as previous season had, but will focus on Dexter's emotions.
With Rita out of the way, I think we are going to see more of the Dexter we have been wanting to see.
As far as the storyline of him potentially getting caught - that is a constant theme in the entire show and should be explored again - the stakes are higher now than ever before because even his sister is getting closer to the truth with every season.
I think that maybe after the second or third episode we will have a better idea of how the entire season will direct itself.
I read that there will be three baddies this time. Dexter acts just like a child at times. Like when he repeated 'jump in with both feet' to Trinity. Or when he told Rita's family 'I'm sorry for your loss'. :lol Finally starting to show him as a really f-ed up individual instead of a family man.
The "Will he get caught" thing is naturally an ever-present element, but it's HOW that's handled. I mean, basically, with the exception of Season 1, he's had some "nemesis" dogging his trail and it's just getting predictable and overdone.

In Season 2, it was Doakes and the whole Bay Harbor Butcher angle.

In Season 3, it was Jimmy Smitts finding out, and then being such a loose canon that it could expose him.

In Season 4, it was the whole "how can I juggle my family life and my serial killer life."

This season, it's Quinn getting suspicious.

My issue is that the WAY they're doing this seems to be the same basic approach each time, and it's getting tiresome. It's always his bodies being discovered or lost or whatever, or the other angle is some cop bird-dogging him because they've got an axe to grind. Doakes, Lumley, Quinn, etc.

I don't mind Dexter, say, being more impulsive/reckless IN THE MOMENT and almost being caught, but I do mind the other ways they keep recycling. Plus, it seems to me, at this point, to be such an artificial beat in the shows/seasons. It comes across as forced, much as Rita's behavior did in the last two or three seasons. Rita in the first season was an interesting character. In the second season she wasn't as bad, but after that she became this typical suburban hausfrau caricature and ceased to be a nuanced character. That irritated me to no end because this show is BETTER than that and it just strikes me as a lazy approach. Same with the whole "Oh noes, will he get caught?!" approach they seem to take. Once or twice, yeah, fine. But you can't keep going back to that same well and expect to maintain dramatic tension.

That's the other factor, actually. It's obvious he WON'T get caught at this point. If he does, the only interesting angle is "How's he gonna get out of this?" Frankly, I think a FAR more interesting angle would be DEB finding out and how she deals with that. Would she embrace his mission? Would she turn him in? Would she let the guilt fester? Would she kill to protect him -- even going as far as to kill Quinn? Actually, that'd seem a bit over the top, come to think of it. I don't think they've laid the groundwork for that yet. But they've got to do SOMETHING to make the show interesting.

Ultimately, it's when shows become repetitive and less subtle that I start to lose interest. Even if there are other aspects I dig, I'll just end up burning out on a show.
I'm hoping Deb finds out soon. It happened too early in the books, but this season would be a good time I think.
Her potty-talk is getting old. Here's a good one: "mother-****ing rolly-polly chubby-cheeked **** machine"!!???
good points from all who posted. the logical conclusion point is dexter is caught nd arrested. but we know that won't happen. it should to end the show one day like that.

i hope this season they show what a F-ed up person dexter really is. but if they go to far, nobody will be able to relate except people like bundy or somebody.

the end of the sopranos ended like crap. tony should have been killed or arrested and convicted.

i saw a commercial that shows dexter in the interogation room and a woman saying "we know you were at arthur michelle's house. " how in the hell is he going to get out of that?? miami homicde must have the dumbest cops on the planet.........

and yes i don't need a rehash of season 1 and 2 with quinn playing doakes.
I'm hoping Deb finds out soon. It happened too early in the books, but this season would be a good time I think.

It happened early in the books? How did they handle it? TV Deb gives the impression she'd drag his butt in ASAP...
Figured I'd revive this.

Overall, I'm torn on this season. While there's been some undeniably fantastic acting and writing, there are (from what I can tell) some real problems with the show that lie beneath the surface.

The writing of the characters has, by and large, been top-notch all the way through this season. I especially appreciated Dexter's breakdown early on, and how they're showing a more nuanced side to Deb. She's not just the potty-mouthed tough-girl anymore (not that she ever was, really), and they're finally really starting to explore that better.

That said, the plotting of this season...well, it's got enough recycling in it to keep Greenpeace happy.

First and worst is the Quinn = Doakes thing. Seriously, I hope they drop this storyline because it's been done and done better. It also does not bode well for Deb and Quinn, or for Deb personally. Hell, this could be the mechanism taken to have the big reveal to Deb, and I think they're already dropping hints about this. Her saying things like "You and Harrison are the most important things to me. Period" suggest that she's gonna find out, and gonna protect him. I think that means Quinn will have to die, possibly at her hand.

I'm split on the notion of Julia Styles' character. On the one hand I appreciate how they're handling her. On the other, haven't we seen the damaged girlfriend/damaged protege storyline before already? How is fusing S2 and S3 into a single character new ground? That said, I like the notion of there being a ring of these guys that have to be taken out. I still think, however, that she'll end up just like the other two, on the pointy-end of Dexter's self-preserving knife. Alternatively, she might take the fall for him to help clear his name or somesuch. Still, it's seeming like familiar ground in some respects.

Honestly, while I'm ENJOYING the season, I think this ought to be the last one. I think they've taken the show as far as they can story-wise. They generally handle characters quite well. Dexter has grown and changed a fair amount, Deb has as well, and the side characters are more fleshed out. But the plotlines keep treading on the same general territory, and/or the same emotional beats. Quinn's storyline in particular is pretty much the same "Oh noes!! Will Dexter get caughteded?!" thing that they bring up every season. It's old hat now and it always rings hollow. It's less a question of WILL he get caught, but rather HOW he'll get out of it. I think it's high time they stopped playing that particular card. All it does is jade me (and I suspect the rest of the audience). I doubt anyone's on the edge of their seat as far as "Will he get caught?!" anymore.

Likewise, the whole "Can he have someone who knows his secret" thing is getting tiresome. Of course he can't. He ALWAYS has to kill them. The loony girlfriend, Miguel, etc. Short of Deb, I don't see how anyone else could walk the earth knowing what Dexter does. It's POSSIBLE they'll let Lumen survive this series, but I doubt Julia Styles is going to become a regular cast-member.

Oh, and the nanny, too. Not sure where they're going with her. Maria Doyle Kennedy is a great actress (you may remember her as Catherine of Aragon from The Tudors), but she's fast stepping in to the Rita role of "nagging obligation waiting at home." I really hope they don't pursue that further, but she's been featured prominently enough that I think they'll do that. And again, it's yet more recycling.

Now, again, none of this is to say that what's being done is being done poorly. Far from it. But it's all got a been-there-done-that quality to it, and I think that's a BAD thing for a show, especially a show as well written as Dexter. That leads shows to take "bold" moves which often stray radically from what's come before, but then without effective follow-up. Example: Rita's death. I thought that'd have FAR more of an impact on Dexter's personality than it did. Basically, we got one or two episodes of him being alternatingly shut-down completely, and a COMPLETE lunatic....but that's it. There doesn't seem to be as much long-term effect, and it's "back to the usual" for both Dexter and the writers, it seems. Each season since S2 they've done soemthing radical, only to lapse back into the familiar.

All of this is why I say I hope they go out on a high note with this season, rather than drag it out another season using the same old tired routine.

Side note: Much as I despise the "Doakes: The Return" plotline, the dude playing Quinn is phenomenal. The level of intensity he's bringing to the role, especially given what came before, is really impressive. He needs his own show. Not as this character, but I think he could easily be a lead player in some show. I expect we'll see more from him.
I thought Dexter's new love angle was introduced prematurely in the recent episode. I would have thought this would have been saved for at least season 6...