Dennis' Shirt from Far Cry 3


New Member
Hey everyone!

I'm wondering if anyone can help me find a place that I could purchase a shirt like Dennis' from Far Cry 3. It looks like some sort of military shirt but I have no idea.

looks like a vietnam era od green bdu top (kinda). closest thing i found giving a quick search with a modified camp casey (korea) unit patch. 200px-2_Infantry_Div_SSI.svg.png with an Army dress uniform sergeant rank (E5). and also his tapes are on backwards.
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he also has a variation of a marine corp patch it seems. The angle makes it hard to know but it looks like this patch to me .hp8421e_thumbnail.jpg
he also has a variation of a marine corp patch it seems. The angle makes it hard to know but it looks like this patch to me . -snip-

looks like a vietnam era od green bdu top (kinda). closest thing i found giving a quick search with a modified camp casey (korea) unit patch. -snip- with an Army dress uniform sergeant rank (E5). and also his tapes are on backwards.

Sweet, thanks for the help man! I really appreciate it.
Np i live by fort hood let me know if you cant find the patches. Every dry cleaner damn near makes patches and the surplus stores.