Dead Set is a critically acclaimed BAFTA-nominated horror drama created by English writer Charlie Brooker. The series is set in the Big Brother house, and was first aired on E4 on 27 October 2008. The five episodes, aired over five consecutive nights, chronicle a zombie outbreak that strands the housemates and production staff inside the house, which quickly becomes a shelter from the undead.
It plays over five consecutive nights on IFC beginning tonight, 10/25, and back to back on Halloween day. I'm looking forward to it. Stephen King had this to say, "This send-up of reality TV is bloody, raunchy, grisly fun," and,
"One of the ten best things I saw on TV."
It plays over five consecutive nights on IFC beginning tonight, 10/25, and back to back on Halloween day. I'm looking forward to it. Stephen King had this to say, "This send-up of reality TV is bloody, raunchy, grisly fun," and,
"One of the ten best things I saw on TV."