Database of Mechanical Components?


Active Member
So I need to design a custom twisting lock with a spring to hold the two pieces together tightly, and I realized 2 things:

1) I have no idea if that's actually accepted terminology, and
2) there has to be somewhere online that you can go to find examples of locking mechanisms, joints with various ranges of mobility, etc.

So does anyone know if something like this does in fact exist?

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Grainger, perhaps? They carry a huge selection of 'stuff'.

R/ Robert

Grainger is a fantastic site, but obviously their goal is to sell products. I'm thinking something more along the lines of a collection of blueprints and/or 3D models categorized by what they do (joints with 90 degree range of motion, hinges with 180 degrees of motion, spring-loaded locking mechanisms, etc.) so that if a person had the skill and time they could recreate one of the mechanisms themselves, or at the very least use it as a starting point to design something that fit their needs
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