Yeah that's a good question. Despite the obvious fact that he
is a computer, he also has to constantly ASK the ship's computer for information, and also has to use input consoles rather than some direct wireless connection. Can't somebody give this guy a bluetooth dongle? :lol
As always, the true implications of having a character who is a computer/robot/android, kind of missed the imaginations of the TNG writers. Instead we got a yellow guy with hatches and blinking lights in his head, who always pined to be "human". :rolleyes
I did like Data however, as a character, and felt that he was a useful part of the TNG crew. The character that REALLY got on my nerves, was the "holodoc" from Voyager. This guy WAS the ship's computer - literally a 3-d manifestation of a program running in the computer. He was not an individual. He was not alive. He did not have "human rights". He could be copied, backed up, stored, terminated. Erased.
Or at least he should have been. Instead the writers seemed to conceive of him as just another human, only disabled by the fact that he couldn't leave the Sickbay. Until they gave him a little box on his shoulder that allowed him to do
that even. :rolleyes