Daredevil - Cowl, Grapple Cane, Glasses & Walking Cane!

Guardian Devil

Sr Member
I've just recently picked up 4 items that I've been trying to get my hands on for quite some time. Ben Affleck's hero leather Daredevil Mask, functional grapple cane, Matt Murdock's maroon Sunglasses & hero Walking Cane. All screen used in the 2003 Marvel movie. Working on a display for them all at the moment.
They've been the top of my grail list since even before the films cinema release, so having these with me now is truly wonderful.

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Congrats Guardian. I'm a huge fan of the directors cut of Daredevil. Super underrated superhero film.

Also love the costume and props for that film. The costumes a billion times better then the Netflix Daredevil one. This is alot more faithful looking to the comics and doesn't look like a wannabe dark knight costume.

They truly look amazing and I'm jealous.
I really loved this film - specifically the Director's Cut. It had some really good soul there. I like this costume much better than the TV show costume. Congrats on this!!!
Thanks guys, yeah it's a great feeling to finally have these items with me. Even nicer to have managed to screen-match the walking cane:

I agree about the Directors Cut of the movie, extremely underrated!
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Very Cool!

The cane was produced by Proper Effects/Studio Manufacturing Inc. under Paul Pearson, as I recall.

I always loved the cane/baton from that movie. I've got one of the full length batons from the new Netflix series on my wall. I like the new one too, but for different reasons.

Anyway, again, wonderful pieces, thanks for sharing!
Thanks guys, very excited to have these with me. I'm working on some displays this weekend, so I'll probably do something for these too
Wow! Killer set!

I've always loved that cowl design. Such a great look. Tight and mean.

What is the skull shell made of? Vacuformed for thinness I'm guessing. Any cool construction quirks?
That's right yeah, it's a vaccuformed shell taken from a life-cast of Ben Affleck so it perfectly fitted his face. The cowl is actually black leather and then dry-brushed with dark red to give it the maroon colour. I want to put it on every time I walk past it :lol
Damn, I'd love to see your kit here. DD '03 is awesome, only gets a bad rep because most critics are cynical assh.. well you know.
Damn, I'd love to see your kit here. DD '03 is awesome, only gets a bad rep because most critics are cynical assh.. well you know.

I didn't realize all my pictures had gone from these threads. Thanks Photobucket!
I'll repost some of my pictures below for you to see a few parts of my DD collection now.
Thanks! I would really like to see the detail of the lenses and the kind of maroon tint that it has as I am making a custom miniature "resculpt" I suppose you'd say, based on an old Affleck figure, and it would be awesome to nail the texture and colour. Only if you're interested in uploading them of course, it's your collection. :)
Here's some of the pictures back, more info and pictures can be seen on my site however: www.ThePropTank.com

DD's Cowl worn by Ben Affleck:
DD Mask.jpg DD Mask Caps.png

DD's Grapple Cane used by Ben Affleck:
DD Grapple.jpg DD Grapple Caps.png

DD's Extended Cane used by Ben Affleck:
DD Double Cane.jpg

Matt Murdock's Glasses worn by Ben Affleck:
DD Glasses.jpg

Matt Murdock's Walking Cane used by Ben Affleck and screen matched to various scenes in the film:

Elektra's Necklace worn by Jennifer Garner in Daredevil (I also own the necklace from the Elektra Spin-off):
DD Elektra Necklace.png

And just for fun, an original production shooting-script & Ben Affleck's chair-back:
DD script.jpg