Hey all,
I'm trying to draw the District 9 Assault Rifle in Solidworks (a CAD program) and I need to find the correct scale of the rifle. :confused
I need a reference measurement so I can accurately draw it.
The Gas Projector stock is the same as the rifle. Measurements from GP owners would be fantastic.
Pictures of the GP, with a ruler layed next to it, may be the most useful.
****Update: 04/16 - Canister wings "done"
Do to: Trigger and side canisters...
****Update: 04/12 - Side canister(s) measurements needed from the AR.
Pics would also be helpful as well.
****Update: 04/06 - Measurement needed. Almost done...?
****Update: 03/14 - Partial Assembly
**** Update: 02/17 - Finished the butt of the rifle *************************************
Not sure if the stock thickness is correct. I just eyeballed it.
See below.
**** Update: 02/19 - Scale of stock confirmed (Thx to Nwerke) and slight project change
Still need to determine thickness of stock to estimate Z dimensions.
I'm trying to draw the District 9 Assault Rifle in Solidworks (a CAD program) and I need to find the correct scale of the rifle. :confused
I need a reference measurement so I can accurately draw it.
The Gas Projector stock is the same as the rifle. Measurements from GP owners would be fantastic.
Pictures of the GP, with a ruler layed next to it, may be the most useful.
****Update: 04/16 - Canister wings "done"
Do to: Trigger and side canisters...
****Update: 04/12 - Side canister(s) measurements needed from the AR.
Pics would also be helpful as well.
****Update: 04/06 - Measurement needed. Almost done...?
****Update: 03/14 - Partial Assembly
**** Update: 02/17 - Finished the butt of the rifle *************************************
Not sure if the stock thickness is correct. I just eyeballed it.
See below.
**** Update: 02/19 - Scale of stock confirmed (Thx to Nwerke) and slight project change
Still need to determine thickness of stock to estimate Z dimensions.
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