Cyberman WIP Helmet & Torso cast (pics in 1st post)


Sr Member
Full Cyberman nearly finished Update in 1st post)

I started this in January 2010 and it's FINALLY (nearly) finished. The helmet started its life as a voice changer. Everything else I sculpted, molded, and cast in fiberglass. No templates. No pepakura.

It feels pretty great to get it to this point!
View attachment cyberman.jpg

I started this a while back and recently picked it up again.

The helmet is a voice changer toy that is hard to come by in the States, but I found a supplier on Amazon after arranging to have a Cyberleader version sent from the UK through a friend (Amazon was much cheaper).

I carefully gutted the electronics from the standard version and made minor modifications including cutting off the back portion. I then sculpted the back half in Chavant and molded the front and back halves separately so they can be reassembled later using fastex clips on the inside.

Initially I chose to mold the toy rather than use it as is because I wanted to cold cast it like the originals. For now, this first one I'll use rub and buff to see if I can keep the cost of doing the rest of the armor down. To be clear, I did not sculpt the front half of this helmet, but everything else has been and will be sculpted by me as this project goes on.

I sculpted the chest, back and chest insignia in Chavant, but so far have only made a mold and cast the chest. The chest pictured was taken before molding and casting.






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Re: Cyberman build WIP (Helmet cast)

Very cool. I myself would be interested in a cast of the chest as I am slowly putting my own Cyberman costume together. I can't wait to see more of your project.
Re: Cyberman build WIP (Helmet cast)

Love the work you did on the helmet, If you ever do a run, I'll be in.
Re: Cyberman build WIP (Helmet cast)

I need to jump in on this if you happen to do a run, so far i have to say it looks great and i like the molds of the helmet! As for me i'm having issues with the back side of the helmet since i have one from Tesco's here. Best of luck to you...

Re: Cyberman build WIP (Helmet cast)

I'm in for a run aswell, been wanting to do a cyberman since these first came out in 2005.
Re: Cyberman build WIP (Helmet cast)

Thanks for the nice comments. I'm assuming that the interest in a run is for the back of the helmet (?) When I finish the helmet, I'll make a junkyard post to sell the back piece.

The ethics of selling casts of the front half is a little shady since it's a commercially available item. I guess if I got the blessing of the mods, I'd consider selling a complete helmet kit.
Re: Cyberman build WIP (Helmet cast)

That's what I was going for, you could always make modifications to the front part , so it will be yours in a way, who would be against that?

Please tell me you're going to do the armor aswell, I'd be very interested in run of that.
Re: Cyberman build WIP (Helmet cast)

I myself am interested in only the back half of the helmet since i have the Licensed version from Tesco's, however a full run of the helmet would be good to mod. I'm still going to try to plod along and make the rest of the armor even though it's my first time messing around with all of this and Pepakura, but i guess i have to start some place. As for the rest of the parts it wouldn't be a bad thing for me to jump on as well to be honest. Still if you post it on the Junkyard could you please send me a message that it's up. Once again thank you greatly and i'm glad to meet others who have the need to upgrade to a

Re: Cyberman build WIP (Helmet cast)

I just got the normal cyberman helmet from Ebay, so I'm very interested in just the back part , but if you'll make the whole helmet I'm in for a run of that aswell, could you pm me when you're ready?
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Re: Cyberman build WIP (Helmet cast)

I'll have pics of the finished helmet in the next couple days and then I'll make the junkyard post for the back portion only. The mods and I agree that as long as the helmet is still available, it would be unethical to offer casts of it.
Re: Cyberman build WIP (Helmet cast)

I'll have pics of the finished helmet in the next couple days and then I'll make the junkyard post for the back portion only. The mods and I agree that as long as the helmet is still available, it would be unethical to offer casts of it.

I think thats fair and i tend to agree you can still buy the Helmet, once again thank you very much for doing the back! And please send me a message when you post them in the Junk Yard, since i cant afford to miss out on this.

Re: Cyberman build WIP (Helmet cast)

If you decide to do the front and back I may be interested. I am working on a pep suit, but my progress is going to be halted next month because of surgery and one last piece I have to build and try to create the better! I don't mind the pep work, but the helmet seems to be the most annoying piece.
Re: Cyberman build WIP (Helmet finished)

Here are pics of the voice changer mods, finished with rub n buff. The donor helmet is on the right of the second pic. Thanks again for all the kind words.

I have the back armor molded, the neck ready to mold and have started sculpting the left arm and abdomen pieces.



Re: Cyberman build WIP (Helmet finished)

Looking awesome!

Will you be offering armor kits when you're done casting, or is this too much work for you?

Will you vaccuum-form them with ABS?

Anyhow, great work on the helmet, is there a tutorial for rubbing and buffing somewhere?
Re: Cyberman build WIP (Helmet finished)

The mods you did look great to say the least! Also what would you recomend to fill in the air vents around the neck of the Cybermen Helmet and the sound effect control's? As for the back peice it looks great and did you use magnets or the snap's to secure the helmet so far? Please take care and once again great job!

Re: Cyberman build WIP (Helmet finished)

GiovanniDekkers- When (if) I ever finish the complete armor, I'll gauge interest for copies (of everything but the helmet face), as it stands for now the suit will be a one off simply because the cost and time involved in molding everything in silicone is too high for just one suit. Some of the suit is polyurethane resin and some is fiberglass, I don't have a vac-former, unfortunately. I will make the back half of the helmet available in the next few days.

Rub n buff has been used by Jango costumers for quite a while now. If you poke around the Dented Helmet, you'll find everything you need to know about the stuff.

Obsidianstar74- I would use Apoxie sculpt to fill in the vents. The back fits into the front using fastex clips where the screen used helmets use a different style if fastener. As I don't plan to wear the helmet, I didn't have to worry about getting it off my head once on.

Forgot to mention that I reinstalled all the electronics in the helmet which just makes it that much more fun.
Re: Cyberman build WIP (Helmet finished)

weaselflinger: I'm going to use magnets to secure both halfs since i will be using the helmet in the long run, and thank you for filling me in (no pun intended) on the stuff to fill in the air vents! I figure i'll have to remod the helmet and the electronics plus remove the helmet harness and use foam like i have in my Storm Trooper helmet to give me a better fit. I'm also going to look into getting some kind of black fabric that i can cover over the eye lenses that wont leave me blind or is that over kill and just stick with the plastic smoked lenses?

Also if you need Fastex Clips just ask i'm in the Army an their a dime a dozen
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