I needed to slap together a quick saber before SDCC. I bought what I needed from TCSS. Transaction went smoothly, and I recieved the parts in a timely fashion.
I have two complaints. It was hard to figure out what I needed to buy. They're not exactly "n00b-friendly". There's no parts list for a basic saber, and one of the tutorials on their forums is outdated and shows a "basic parts kit" which isn't availiable anymore, though all of the parts for it are.
Second, the adapter for the blade to fit a 1-1/4 sink tube- didn't. I didn't have time to go through the rigamarole of complaining and having another one sent, blah blah so I asked a friend with a lathe to help me out with shaving it down. Once we did that, the saber went together in about an hour and a half.
However, I will say this. After doing this, IMO, a Luxeon based saber basically is a flashlight with a stick on the end, and that's what it looks like. Cheap, and lights up.
If i'd had the time to do it right, I'd have gone with a Hyperblade. There simply is no comparison. You get what you pay for, and if you want your saber to look like it's from a galaxy far far away, a Hyperblade is worth every penny. The reason I figured I didn't have time, was that I didn't see a yellow blade on the Hyperblade site, and that was what I needed.
So, to sum up:
Will TCSS rip you off? NO.
Is a Hyperblade much, much, better looking? YES.