Custom lightsaber hilts - where to find them?


Sr Member
Hey fellas,

I've been keeping my eye on for about two years now and it seems they've finally just called it quits. This is a real dissapointment for me because I'd been wanting, for the majority of the aforementioned two years, to purchase a handful of sabers form them, both of their (inspired) designs and my own. Now it looks like that ain't gonna happen, sadly.

That being said I still have my original drawings for my own lightsabers, and I'd at least like to have those made at some point.

Do you guys have any definitive sources for this type of thing? I know randomsabers can't be the only place that was into this. I'd appreciate any information, links, as well as reviews and testimonials!
Hey fellas,

I've been keeping my eye on for about two years now and it seems they've finally just called it quits. This is a real dissapointment for me because I'd been wanting, for the majority of the aforementioned two years, to purchase a handful of sabers form them, both of their (inspired) designs and my own. Now it looks like that ain't gonna happen, sadly.

That being said I still have my original drawings for my own lightsabers, and I'd at least like to have those made at some point.

Do you guys have any definitive sources for this type of thing? I know randomsabers can't be the only place that was into this. I'd appreciate any information, links, as well as reviews and testimonials!

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