COOL Pre-TOS era Starship!


Sr Member


YOu guys gotta check out the other pix of this ship, its amazing. (sorry if its been posted before)

His thread is here with more details etc..
Nah, sorry. Too "Buck Rogers" looking. Especially with the fins he has on it in the latest shots. :thumbsdown :sleep

- k
Very cool looking but it's an odd mix of TOS and the movie refit designs and as Phase pointed out it is very "Buck Rogers". Still a well made model though.
I've been following Vektor's work on Sci Fi Meshes.

He initially designed this sometime in the '90's before Enterprise was concieved of or announced.

His designs have a certain plausible quality to me and seem to fit right in.

My opinion, of course. ;)
<div class='quotetop'>(rad1701 @ Jun 21 2006, 03:41 PM) [snapback]1265294[/snapback]</div>
Very slick design. But I would put it post TOS era.

Well, given that the Enterprise was well over 13 years old at the time of "The Menagerie", this ship could still be post-E and be within the TOS timeframe. ;) Perhaps shortly before they started making TMP-style changes to design.

I likes it. If the nacelle fins were changed that would eliminate the "Buck Rogers" reactions, although I like them.