Concerning Jawas - one of our latest creations


Well-Known Member
We had a photo shoot a couple weeks ago which a good buddy, photographer and garrison member came to the shop and took a ton of Jawa pics. So hats off to Erik for taking the photos and especially to the kids for enduring the heat for about 3 hours :D


Lighting is always a wierd thing with things like this. A good thing about these jawa robes is they appear many different shades of brown, red, and even orange just like the originals ... but it really depends on lighting. The following photo is an example. The photo of the kit was taken with natural lighting. Also see the photos at the bottom of the page taken at Starfest (our local sci-fi convention).

Here is the kit we designed and can make:

More pics from the shoot:









Thanks to everyone for coming and helping with the shoot!

Scott, Melissa, Hunter, Cody, Jeff, Maya, Max, Erik, Kathleen, Aspen, James, Ed

A couple pics from Starfest:


With Brent Spiner (Data from Star Trek):


You Tube videos:

Chatterbox video:

Costume contest video:

Jawas in action video:

I would like to thank Jeff for helping so much in the creation of these little guys for Starfest and also Jim of Hyperdyne for making the real magic for the costume which is the chatterbox. I'd call it a voice box but it doesn't change the kids voices and it seems to just chatter a lot, like real jawas! And of course I need to thank Kathy for nailing the patterns for these. She figured out how the hoods are supposed to look and I think she captured them perfectly.

The kids took first place at the costume contest at Starfest, which was a proud moment for all of us who contributed I think. I hope the kids can hang on to that memory forever.
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Absolutely some of the best Jawa shots I've seen. The kids really gave them little sand-buggers some personality! Thanks for the smile.
very awesome. How much is one of those kits?

Double that question!
Does the robe have the correct fabric (can´t make it out from the pics)?
Does a real enfield based Ion gun fit in the leather holster?
What is the "average" height of a Jawa? intention to use the kit for costuming, but putting it on a "correctly" proportioned mannequin.


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Great Jawas, good to see you made the furry hands surprising how many people don't.
The Jawa with the protocol droid head is my fav pic :thumbsup
Thanks everyone! I really appreciate the kind words. My wife and I have wanted to make really good jawas for almost 10 years and we finally did it! :)

We can make the kits. .... if there just "happened" to be orders for say ... halloween.... it might be best to start planning now ;) wink, wink, :)
So... shoot me a pm and Kathy or I will get back to you as soon as possible!

We didn't use the Ralph Lauren blankets for these. Those blankets are tough to find and expensive so we use monk's cloth. It's easy to find, it looks good, and most importantly for the kids, it's light weight. The original jawas had an inner robe too but even with my anal addiction to accuracy I didn't make the kids suffer with that many layers ;) hehe..

We can make them to any size. We would just need a few measurements. I'm not entirely sure what the average height is. There were jawas around 3' tall all the way up to about 5' tall in the movie so pick a size :) I must say though... the smallest jawa we had was 6 years old and she really did look amazingly cute!!! She was probably about 3' tall. My personal jawa in the gallery is about 40" tall I'd guess (off the top of my head) and that's a good size too.

The bandolier strap is to replicate one of the ones in most promo shots and some screen shots, which holds the german mauser 3 pouch bandolier. It isn't the normal enfield blaster holster. I'm not sure what this one was intended for. In some shots it looks like they had a droid caller in it and sometimes it even looks like they might have had a lightsaber in it. Either way... we could make one to fit the enfield ... since I did actually keep one of my original blasters for myself :)

We designed and sculpted the mask so it's a two part vac-formed mask that houses all the electronics in between the layers and is easy to access to change the battery but keeps the wires hidden from the little monsters. It will fit anyone from 5 to 100+ years old ;)

Jim of Hyperdyne designed the chatterbox which truly is an amazing addition to the costume, especially since it can be turned way up and actually heard in a noisy convention atmosphere..... Jim is good at that... being the "tim the toolman" of the prop world as he is ;) hehe..

Thanks! Yeah... we had to do the fur. The original ANH jawas definitely had fur! ;) I wanted to make latex monkey hands but I thought that'd be too hot for the kids so we went the easy route.

thanks again everyone! :)
I know how the confused jawa feels. Been trying to build my R2 for YEARS. ;)

Cute jawas. My favorite pic was the tiny one with the droid head. :)
