Cobra comander hood


Well-Known Member
Hey guys has any one delt with this guy on ebay from argentina hes under tngteam i found a cobra comander hood all latex, the creator is on ebat the quality looks fair price not bad. He only has 50 purchase all positive, stiil i was wondering if any one knew of him. Thanks
If he is on eBay just make sure to pay with paypal... Then just let them deal with it if you have issues ;). I've seen the mask and kinda wanted one myself so please post a review if you order it.
That is a great looking hood. To echo what everyone is seeing, just be careful, use Paypal and post some pics when you get it!
Ok he seems ok, he said he would do it in black for me no extra charge what you guys think?? The blue seems played out what about the entire out fit and mask in black????
There is actually a version of his uniform that is all in black with red accents. I like all of them to be honest except that crappy battle armor toy they made of him ;).
Looks kinda like a cross between Cobra Commander and Cthulu.

I'd go with the twisted one myself.

I always wanted one of these in cloth as a display, but I can't really figure out how to do the head shape and nose shape. Some kinda partial helmet or skull cap maybe....

The one on ebay i really like the eyes it has menaceing look i would blacken my eyes i thought of a screen behind each eye but to much work plus the on ebay seem still cartoonish? I like hoe the emblem is branded into the hood. Its ordered! In black i will post pics when i get!!!! Came to 200.00 not bad!
I agree the one on ebay really captures the look better. This is the image I love of the Commander. I actually dig the large cobra symbol.
If you do buy from this seller, please let us know how the transaction works out for you.
As a mask collector, this guy has a lot of things I've been eyeing. Esp. that lifesize Chucky...but I do know he's been on ebay for a while, must have changed user names...because I've been seeing his items for years, and to only have a score of 54 is what was troubling to me.
Keep us posted please.

If you do buy from this seller, please let us know how the transaction works out for you.
As a mask collector, this guy has a lot of things I've been eyeing. Esp. that lifesize Chucky...but I do know he's been on ebay for a while, must have changed user names...because I've been seeing his items for years, and to only have a score of 54 is what was troubling to me.
Keep us posted please.


I was thinking the same as I mentioned earlier I just can't remember the sellers old name and it concerns me as to why would he change his name
i also seen this on ebay and it looks great. with the helmet you can have 2 different costume's with only changing the helmet.
Was thinking of purchasing this exact same mask, but in black. He's the same guy from Argentina and under tngteam. Did you go through with the transaction?