Clone Wars ARC trooper helmet project (update Oct.20)


Well-Known Member
A few weeks ago i saw the new ARC trooper for season 3 of clone wars and i thought it looked pretty sweet, so i started work, converting a phase 2 helmet that i had lying around. Basically, just using it for scale, then realizing it needed to get cut down. Anyways, i though some of you would enjoy the progress of this. Its been pretty fun so far.

This is the helmet....

And here is where i started taking pics.....

The Dome needed reworking as well as the face.


Around this time is whe i realized that the helmet was gonna turn out to wide and to tall, so i had to run it through my table saw (very carefully).


It was then reassembled and bondoed. Here it is next to one of Marcelos helmets for size reference..


To be continued........
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Re: Clone Wars ARC trooper helmet project

The project stopped after those last two pics due to insufficient reference, but after this past week, the new season aired and i was able to restart the project. I found that some of the angles on my helmet were wrong, so i had to tear some of it apart and redo it.


Here is where the projects sits, as of today. Got most of the backside detail done, using styrene and Bondo.




Should get more work done on it by Tuesday.
Re: Clone Wars ARC trooper helmet project

looks like it'll be spectacular as always....

i hadn't watched the clone wars cartoon, but i recently watched both seasons and love every second....still yet to find a moment to watch the new eps but i flicked through and it looks good to me....good to see the phase 2 armour appear....can't wait for delta squad.....
Re: Clone Wars ARC trooper helmet project

Where is the first picture taken from ? CW ?

BTW, really nice work !
Re: Clone Wars ARC trooper helmet project

Dude, marry me! ahhahahaha :D
Cool stuff! I love the helmet being as large as it should be for a normal person
those old ep III helmets where huge, I had 2 MR EPIII helmets...looked like a bubble head... ;)
Re: Clone Wars ARC trooper helmet project

Thanks guys. :$

Got some more work done today on the helmet. Doesnt seem like much; i know, but i basically re-did the whole face area, and worked on the ear pieces a bit as well. I think its starting to finally come together. Most of the work has been done on the left side of the helmet so that once i get the angles squared away, i can replicate them on the other side. This is where that helmet left off.



With flash.

Re: Clone Wars ARC trooper helmet project

man, my stomach hurts after looking at this thread.....oh it is just the sickening skills of evo!!

looking great, man.
Re: Clone Wars ARC trooper helmet project

I couldn't even figure out why you were doing this when you first made the thread...

After seeing the new ep with the new troopers I can see the differences from the ep3 helmet that you are going for.

Looking great! The chin and the side tubes are looking a LOT more like the toon! Looking VERY good man. :)
Re: Clone Wars ARC trooper helmet project

Ok, now its really starting to look like something. I couldve gotten farther on it today but we had unexpected guests that came over and i had to stop what i was doing for a while. Anyways, the tubes and aerator slots were what i consider to be the most challenging part, so the rest of the way should be cake (knocks on wood).




