Cleaning latex of paintbrushes question.



I was wondering if you guys have any tricks on how to remove liquid latex from a paint brush. I have tried many things but the paint brush does not seem to be completely cleaned.

The best trick I got was to make sure the paint brush was wet before starting applying latex on parts but still, there are some latex remaining after cleanup. Do you guys know any solvent, soap or anything that can help cleaning latex from paintbrushes?


This is something i found on a webpage about latex paint.... dont hurt to try :

Isopropyl alcohol (rubbing alcohol) liquefies the oldest paint. Wet paint thoroughly and cover with plastic to prevent evaporation. Paint will wash off with water after a short time. Latex paint may be removed from clothing by soaking followed by machine washing. The results are gratifying. Remember that alcohol is quite flammable. Detergent and water will remove latex before it dries.
I can't vouch for it working with brushes but with all the times I've got liquid latex stuck in my hair, I found regular hair conditioner allowed it to come out with minimal pain.
That's actually not a bad idea at all! I have plenty of latex work to do this weekend, will keep you guys posted!:)
If nothing else works, soaking it in turpentine will turn the latex into a squashy gelatinous mess that can be squeezed and washed out of the bristles. The brush won't ever be quite as good as new, but it's good enough if it is a brush you're using for latex in the first place. :)
We use silicone-bristle "BBQ" brushes for liquid latex now. When it dries, it just slips off the bristles. We get them from our grocery store dollar-bins.
Not as fine of an application as a chip brush, but not bad either.
Wash your brush in dishwasher soap and water...foam it up well, then use a metal bristle brush...the ones used to clean dried paint off of brushes. Use that to scrape the remaining latex off of you brush. You can buy them at dollar stores...same with your brushes, you dont need to spend anything more than a buck on brushes for latex work.
