Cinemassacre top ten Indy fails

Feh, I don't care for the guy's attitude at all. Despite appearances, his real motivation seems to be to criticize the people who "find fault with films", rather than the genuine stupidity on display in the clips.

"Audiences today are far more critical, have less imagination, and are unwilling to suspend their disbelief. And that's the death of cinema." :confused

I beg to differ. The death of cinema is the stupid idiotic films that are being made. :lol

Anyway, is Marion's "frying pan clobber" really the best he could come up with from "Lost Ark"? For my money the "Indy somehow survives clinging to the side of the U-Boat" scene deserves at least honorable mention.

But I'm the guy who finds "Temple of Doom" unwatchable, and "Last Crusade" barely so. And hasn't even bothered to see "Crystal Skull" yet. :lol

I'll agree with everything the guy said except for the 'bird-takes-plane-down' scene from Last Crusade. I liked that and hey it could happen? ;)
I'll agree that Kingdom Of The Crystal Skull has to take the number 1 spot.
phase pistol - I think you and the guy who made the video are both right. The way I see it, action movies and action movie audiences have both gotten dumber over the last two or three decades. For what it's worth, I loved Raiders and agreee with you completely on Temple of Doom and Last Crusade. I did see Crystal Skull, though.

I agree with a lot of what he said about audiences being far more critical, with less imagination, and less willingness to suspend disbelief being part of the death of cinema.
I think this guy is a fan of our friend who did the Phantom Menace review. TThis dude here is TRYING to be as entertaining as the TPM review, and falls flat on his face.

For those here who slammed the TPM review for his weird voice character, watch this guy - his demeanor in the video is about as exciting as the inside of a cereal box.

Don't get me wrong Brad - I enjoyed it, but mostly for the comparison/contrast to the classic films.
I agree with a lot of what he said about audiences being far more critical, with less imagination, and less willingness to suspend disbelief being part of the death of cinema.

Is it really the audience's fault for being less willing to suspend disbelief or is it the filmmakers fault for not creating a "reality" that LETS the audience suspend it's disbelief?
Don't get me wrong Brad - I enjoyed it, but mostly for the comparison/contrast to the classic films.

Me too. That was the best part!

What I would love to see is Raiders compared side by side all the way through with the old B-movies/Saturday Serial films that Lucas stole from.

I dont think its the audience's fault. It's just we as the audience are now so desensitized
to SP-FX It's harder to let your self go in to a make-belive world, There for harder for the film maker......This also bring's out more critics.
I also would like to see Raiders compared side by side with the old B-movies that would be cool !
Jones biggest fail is as an archaeologist. He destroys anything he touches.

Movie execs seem to be watching video games not movies, giving us big cartoon explosions and magic 're-lives' instead of stories.
Jones biggest fail is as an archaeologist. He destroys anything he touches.

Movie execs seem to be watching video games not movies, giving us big cartoon explosions and magic 're-lives' instead of stories.

In the first film he is nearly a flat out tomb raider, he leads this double life, the museum profits greatly from his pillaging. It was a different time and we know that artifacts by today's standards were literally stolen. It gave the character depth and a level of darkness. Belloq mentions this, and it's true. Raiders Indy had a good dose of bad ass antihero.
Odds are he never would have lived long enough to turn into that pathetic mess left of the character in Crystal Skull.
I think this guy is a fan of our friend who did the Phantom Menace review. TThis dude here is TRYING to be as entertaining as the TPM review, and falls flat on his face.

For those here who slammed the TPM review for his weird voice character, watch this guy - his demeanor in the video is about as exciting as the inside of a cereal box.

Don't get me wrong Brad - I enjoyed it, but mostly for the comparison/contrast to the classic films.

Sorry...This guy has been around FAR longer than the other dude..This guy (James Rolfe) is best known as the Angry Video Game Nerd...He's probably the most popular guy in gaming and is a true nerds nerd. I love his work!! Check out his site... There are days worth of videos and work that he's been doing since he was a kid.
Isn't it ironic that I found all of the ones from the trilogy to be mostly plausible, or at the very least fun enough that it didn't matter, but agreed about the CS ones?

As for the U-boat, I saw Raiders when I was so young I can't ever remember not knowing the plot, and up until I was 19 and joined COW I never once even thought the U-boat actually submerged. Even as a 4 year old my logic center just told me the whole journey was obviously made above the water. Sure, they had intended to put that scene in the movie, but it was cut, for obvious reasons.
Rolfe does a great job reaching younger folks with a ton of film history bits too, they follow him over from the video game stuff.
Not only did this come out BEFORE the TPM review, but it was also posted on this board. I remember commenting on it.