Chronicles of riddick question


New Member
I'm currently working on a Chronicles of Riddick costume and there's one specific piece that I'm having trouble finding / identifying! The piece seems to be some sort of "Mouth Piece / Bite Valve", but I'm not quite sure what's the source of origin - hydration pack, medical apparatus? The tube I believe is a medical breathing tube, but the sources I've stubbled across so far only want to sell in bundles of 1,000 :eek. If anyone might know where this type of item could be found or could help at least identify it, I'd greatly appreciate any help you can provide. I've included a very nice close up pic taken by Guardian Devil of his actual screen used stunt pack.


Not sure about the valve, but the tube looks to be some sort of vacuum tubing.

Mcmaster has some stuff that might be similar. (Sorry, can't link direct to the right page in their catalog, the tube that you may want is at the top of page 218)