Chroming only part of a piece?


Sr Member
I'm looking to start my T2 statue soon and I need to get the exposed endo parts on the face chromed. I'm very picky, so I will always regret it if I settle for some sort of silver paint. The bust is resin (would have preferred silicone with resin parts). So it is one big piece. Any ideas?
Was talking with a friend who knows more than I just today... Stay away from vac-metalizing.

My friend stated that he has learned that any silicon molded piece can and most likely will retain silicon contamination that does not come off with mold release or other clensers, and will screw up the vac-metalized surface.

Certain platers who elctro-plate resin seem to have over come this via true plating.
This was all I could find that showed it on a 'large' surface.

This guys photos do not do justice to BMF.

For under $10 a sheet (online I don't know what your local HS might charge) you seriously must explore this. It will be several zeros cheaper than getting your parts vac metal plated. Surface prep is important as the stuff burnishes into the smallest details and will show every defect in your prep work. the self adhesive is low tack until it has set for a month or so, and it is easy to remove and redo a part as (or if) needed.

It is not for anything that is going to be frequently handled.

There use to be an article at the BMF web page that talked about using it to skin an entire model airplane, or just areas where you want paint wear to show thru the bear metal.

BMF is real metal. It is uber thin.
It is NOT 'gold leaf'. It is metal foil, thinner than a human hair.

If you are doing a T100's partially exposed face
you shouldn't need more than 3 sheets.
Bare metal "Chrome" does not quite approach the shininess of vacuum metalizing or real chrome. There is an "Ultra Bright Chrome" also, that I have not tested.