New Member
Hey everyone, need guy here. I always admired people who do props and the time that they put into it, however i never tried it for myself. Christmast is on the way and my friend really liked this silly necklace with a cookie, like this one: http://ecx.images-amazon.com/images/I/41Y+f7VuMoL._SL500_AA280_.jpg
Chains aren't hard to find but the problem is that chain cookie, so is there a possible way for me to get this or even make it? Would it require alot of me as a beginner and what about time? I hope this is not too much trouble and this is the right place to ask, thanks for reading!
Chains aren't hard to find but the problem is that chain cookie, so is there a possible way for me to get this or even make it? Would it require alot of me as a beginner and what about time? I hope this is not too much trouble and this is the right place to ask, thanks for reading!