Chilling thin-pour resin to create thicker castings? (Crystal Clear 202)


Well-Known Member
I have a ton of Crystal Clear 202, which is designed for pours of 0.5" thick or thinner. One site says that pouring thicker versions of a similar product can run the risk of "heating up, smoking, cracking, yellowing, etc."

I'm going to have some leftover to play with, and I'd like to make a few 3" cubes- would pre-chilling the resin and/or pouring/ mixing/ pressurizing in the winter air allow for thicker castings? Or should I just play it safe and pour a 0.5" at a time?
I've had problems pouring Crystal Clear 202 resin a layer at a time. For me, I can notice the shrinkage from each layer. Especially if you're tinting the resin too. It's made to cure for thin pieces so it heats differently for the 200 that can cast thicker pieces. The problem using 202 is that is cures quick in large pieces and will trap bubbles unless under pressure. It can work to your advantage if you're seeking textures over having water-clear pieces.
I found similar shrinkage on my small test pours, with pressure casting. You can only really see it if you're looking for it from the side, but it would still be enough to ruin an encapsulation of something. Oh well.