Wow...had no idea those were useful to anyone. We have a 5 year old girl that just stopped playing with hers. I'll check with my wife and see if I'm allowed to get rid of so, I'll offer it up here.
Okay, I may be a dumb-ass, but I've looked and looked and can't for the life of me figure out where that odd looking toy thing is located on R2. Please tell me.
Yes, that's right. It is pretty simple really. On the base of the Sit-N-Spin there is a bearring and race assembly that when trimmed out can be used for R2's dome to ride opon.
Cool. Mine's sitting in my basement waiting for me to get far enough on R2 to warrant putting it into action. My sister has (or at least was going to) create a tutorial for the R2 Builders group on how to modify the thing to make it work with the R & J dome.
In the meantime, the kids want to, GASP, play with it...
I wouldn't mind a pic of it when disassembled, maybe this can be made by hand,
as the lazy suzan is perfect but a mother to get shipped across the pond, without insane shipping and customs charge :lol